Other areas are to lose aid so that money can be reallocated to towns devastated by pit closures. 将不再资助其他地区,以便资金可以重新分配给饱受矿井关闭影响的城镇。
However, the Foundation recently created a committee of Swedish financiers to help determine how to reallocate the portfolio, heikensten said. 不过,海克斯坦透露,近期基金会成立了一个由瑞典金融学家组成的委员会,帮助决定投资组合的再分配。
By implementing the solution in Rational, the team managed to deliver to users the ability to reallocate the precious resource of time, the time they spend setting up and configuring CLM; they can spend most of that now developing and testing. 通过在Rational中实施该解决方案,团队设法使用户能够重新分配的宝贵时间资源,即他们在安装和配置CLM上所花费的时间;他们现在可以将大部分时间花费在开发和测试上。
If you have to increase CPU capacity, you can either do a physical upgrade, such as adding more CPUs, or reallocate more resources if you are in a virtual environment. 如果必须提高CPU能力,那么可以进行物理升级,比如添加更多的CPU;如果处于虚拟化环境,还可以重新分配更多资源。
The compact phase is run only in a full GC, which attempts to reallocate all the objects in the heap to a smaller, more compact, and more contiguous space in the heap. compact阶段只在一个完整的GC中才会运行,在这个阶段,GC会试图将heap内的所有对象重新分配到heap内的一个更为紧缩、更为连续的较小空间。
You can use IBM DB2 server's Self Tuning Memory Manager ( STMM) to measure and analyze how DB2 database memory is consumed, and dynamically reallocate memory to optimize workload performance. 您可以使用IBMDB2服务器的SelfTuningMemoryManager(STMM)来测量和分析DB2数据库内存的消耗情况,同时动态地分配内存以优化负载性能。
If the recent internal purges reflect a power struggle, they may have been over efforts by some to reallocate resources enjoyed by the military. 如果说最近的国内整肃反映出权力的争斗,那么这些争斗也可能是一些人争抢军方资源的努力。
In response, Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama's government has argued that a strong yen could be good for Japan because it should help reallocate resources away from exporters to domestic services. 对此,鸠山政府宣称强势日圆有益日本,因为它有助于“资源重配”&从出口商移至国内服务业。
Other banks have moved to reallocate senior staff from other regions to Asia, given the relative opportunities, while some are re-assigning executives to new positions in China as they seek to expand their mainland platform. 另一些投行则从其它地区调配高级员工到亚洲,因为这里的机会相对较多。还有一些投行调整了在华高管的职务,以扩大在中国大陆的业务平台。
With the government planning to axe state-funded jobs Hays said it would reallocate resources back to the private sector. 鉴于政府计划削减由其出资的就业岗位,hays表示将把资源重新分配给私人部门。
However, Mr Kent told the financial times that coke has no plans to to reallocate resources or pull back its planned China investments. 但穆泰康对英国《金融时报》表示,可口可乐没有计划调整资源分配或者退出在中国的投资计划。
The International Olympic Committee is also understood to believe that lower than expected attendances at games venues is the result of Beijing's poor distribution of tickets for the general public, including the failure to reallocate unwanted tickets. 据信,国际奥委会还认为,由于北京向公众售票方式不妥,其中包括未能重新分配多余门票,结果造成赛场出席率低于预期。
The new G-8 debt relief proposal provides an opportunity for several countries to reallocate significant resources to HIV/ AIDS. 八国集团新的债务免除建议为若干国家提供了一个机会,向HIV/艾滋病重新分配大量资源。
In order to foster creative destruction we need to make it easier to replace failing management and to reallocate labour and capital. 为了促进创造性破坏,我们需要让替换失灵的管理层并重新配置劳动力和资本这一过程变得更为容易。
He says the problem is not supply of savings, but the fact that market dysfunction is making it hard to reallocate these savings. 他表示,问题不在于储蓄的供应,而是市场功能紊乱使得这些储蓄难以重新配置。
If there is not enough time for testing, the first thing to do is reallocate the effort used in requirements documentation to writing customer tests. 如果没有足够的时间来进行测试,则首先要重新分配在需求文档中编写客户测试所投入的精力。
In countries such as the US, strong domestic financial markets have helped finance innovation and reallocate resources to the most productive sectors. 在美国等国家,表现强劲的国内金融市场促进了金融创新,将资源重新配置到生产率最高的行业。
The discussion above assumes the amount of the various fertilizers is fixed and that all that could be done is to reallocate the fertilizer among different farmers or among different regions. 上述讨论假定各种化肥的总量是固定的,所能做的只是在农户之间或地区之间对肥料进行重新分配。
Together with DTM's ability to reallocate channel and on-demand bandwidth, this provides traffic-engineering capability equivalent to that of ATM networks. DTM重新分配信道的能力加上按需分配带宽,使之提供的流量管理功能可与ATM网相媲美。
Reallocate the replicas before trying to increase them. 在增加副本数量之前,请将其重新分配。
You can also use Attribute Refunds to reallocate your attribute points at any time. 您可以利用特技重置来随时重新分配您的特技点。
Yoga comprises of some simple and effective body movements, which strengthen one's back, tones the stomach muscles, and reallocate body weight. 瑜伽体式由一些简单有效的身体动作组成,这些动作加强人的背部,调节胃部肌肉,重新分配身体的重量。
The court, which declared a spectrum sale in 2008 "arbitrary and unconstitutional", ordered the regulator to reallocate the licences by auction in four months. 印度最高法院裁定2008年的频谱拍卖为“武断的且违反了宪法”,命令监管机构通过拍卖,在4个月内重新分配这些牌照。
Instead we've found savings so we can reallocate more resources to the frontline, in priority areas such as health, education, and law and order. 相反,我们正全力缩减无畏的开支并将更多的资金投入至最前线与最重要的领域,例如医疗,教育以及法制与治安。
Consultants expect some institutions to reallocate resources away from equities into fixed income trading, for example. 例如,顾问们预计,一些机构将把资源从股票交易重新配置到固定收益交易。
The bit swap algorithm rapidly swap bits and reallocate power by comparing sub-carrier power increments. 通过比较子信道的功率增量,交换算法能够快速进行比特交换和功率调整。
Both M& A and company's contraction are important means to reallocate economy resources of enterprise. 企业购并和企业紧缩都是重新配置企业经济资源的重要手段。
But the variety be not big of resources because of the join of international capital and run by private capital hospital reallocate. 而变化不大的资源由于国际资本和民营医院的加入重新分配。
Industrial structure is the basis and core of the economic structure of a country or a region, which can reallocate resources. The coordinated development of industrial structure and employment structure, relates to the overall economic development of an economic zone. 产业结构作为国家和地区经济结构的核心和基础,是对资源的重新配置,产业结构与就业结构的协调发展,关系着一个经济区的整体经济发展。
Developing countries should change the structure of labor market, and governments should make great efforts to reallocate, to enhance the level of social security, which would stabilize the expectation of income and increase the proportion of consumption to aggregate demand. 而在新兴国家,重点应改变劳动力市场的完全竞争格局,构造劳动力市场寡头垄断结构。政府则应强化再分配功能,提高社会保障水平,稳定收入预期,从而提高消费在总需求中的比重。