VERB 有助于;起作用 If an action or situation redounds to your benefit or advantage, it gives people a good impression of you or brings you something that can improve your situation.
The success in the Middle East redounds to his benefit... 在中东的胜利给他带来了好处。
My skill in such matters might redound to my advantage. 我在这种事情上的技能可能会对我有所帮助。
The success in the Middle East redounds to his benefit 在中东的胜利给他带来了好处。
My skill in such matters might redound to my advantage. 我在这种事情上的技能可能会对我有所帮助。
And humanitarian aid can redound to America's benefit. 此外,人道主义援助也能给美国带来收益。
A master degree plus experience in Western media circle will redound to her career development later when she returns. 硕士学位再加上西方传媒的工作经历将更有助于她归国后的职业发展。
For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God. 凡事都是为你们,好叫恩惠因人多越发加增,感谢格外显多,以致荣耀归与神。
Our comfort is that the wrath of man shall be made to redound to the glory of God. 我们的安慰,就是恶者的怒气成就了上帝的荣耀。
This is the market with extremely high Lv of one Ge redound. 这是一个回报率极高的市场。
Our efforts will redound to the general good. representing or appealing to or adapted for the benefit of the people at large. 我们的努力将增进大众的利益。代表、争取或者符合广大群众的利益的。
We know to owe, if we won the match, we will redound upon Smith Commercial College. 我们懂得感恩,如果我们赢得比赛,我们会回报史密斯商学院。
Your academic achievements will redound to the fame of the research institution. 你的学术成就将有助于提高这个研究所的声誉。
This child will rise to fame and fortune. This will redound to his credit. 这小孩将会成名致富。这将提高他的名气[声誉]。
When hoping you seek the profit of tall redound in oneself, had done the work of own devoir. 希望你在自己追求高回报的盈利的时候,做好自己本分的工作。
Redound to provide better medical treatment health care service to the patients; 有利于为病员提供更好的医疗保健服务;
His dishonesty will redound on him. 他骗人定会被人骗。
Her efforts will redound to the general good. 他的努力将使他受益匪浅。
His praises redound upon himself. 他称赞人,人也称赞他。
It can redound to the chosen of the software developing company and the decision-making of software outsourcing. 有助于软件项目发起者对软件开发商的选择与决策。
This will redound to his credit. 这将提高他的名气[声誉]。
And how that will redound to my credit! 而且,那会大大提高我的声望呢!
His achievement will redound the good name of the whole school. 他的成就将为整个学校增光。
Group interest is the redound to partner. 派息是对股东的回报。
Your practical jokes will redound on you/ your own head one day. 你那些恶作剧总有一天会使你自食其果。
This work will redound to his credit. 这项工作将有助于提高他的声望。
We would like to make more achievements for the future to redound upon the masses friends. Investment banks have suffered a poor start to the year in Asia after their most profitable year in the region in 2007. 我们愿意在今后的日子里,继续开拓进取,以更加优异的业绩回报大家的厚爱。对于投资银行业而言,2007年是它们亚洲业务利润最为丰厚的一年,但今年却开局不利。
I slowly carrying out, slowly fumble, of course what redound gives me is more and more joyance. 我慢慢的实践着、慢慢的摸索、当然回报给我的是越来越多的喜悦。
It can foreshow the constitute of products and redound to the design of compose routes. 它可以预示产物的组成,有助于合成路线的设计。
Undoubtedly, further research into this economic theory will redound to understanding Marx's theory about surplus value. 无疑,对这一经济理论的进一步研究有助于我们加深对马克思剩余价值理论的理解和发展。
The results of research redound to the effectiveness of the implementation of the PLM system in an enterprise. 研究成果有助于提高PLM系统在企业中实施的有效性。
The results of the test show that these maneuvers can redound to improve students 'speech ability. 实验结果表明,上述策略有助于学生言语能力的提高。
改进,提高(印象) to improve the impression that people have of you
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