During that time there have been repeated attempts to reintroduce capital punishment. 在那段时期不断有人试图恢复死刑。
Banning browsing before breakfast can reintroduce a modicum of civilisation. 早饭前不看手机让我们重新享受些许文明之光。
But birds or the wind can reintroduce them to the land. 可鸟和风可能成为草类延续的传媒。
Even as Sun continues its attempt to "reintroduce the Java Desktop," one complaint keeps surfacing from Java UI developers: It's far too difficult to create a complete custom look and feel. 就在Sun一如既往地试图“再次引入JavaDesktop”之际,JavaUI开发人员的抱怨之词亦已表面化:要创建完全定制的外观实在太难。
This new feature allows either a group of tasks or a file system to be frozen and kept in its freeze-time state, later to be thawed to reintroduce the task group or file system. 这个新特性能够让任务组或文件系统冻结并保持在冻结时状态,然后再解冻并重新引入这个任务组或文件系统。
Perhaps it was predictable that the "Lost" creators would reintroduce old characters and leave new questions unanswered. After all, they had already warned they would. 过去的人物重新出现,留下了新的谜团,这应该是预料的到的,反正制片人都提醒过他们会这么干了。
Traditionally, this was also a time to reintroduce the mother to the world. 满月酒也是母亲在生完小孩后第一次与亲戚朋友见面的场合。
We should prosecute theft and reintroduce heavy inheritance taxes. 我们应当对盗窃行为提起公诉,并重新引入高额遗产税。
'But once you reintroduce a normal diet, everything goes back to normal,' he says. 他还说:一旦当你重新进行正常饮食时,所有事情都会回归常态。
Bank interest does not follow to go up originally prices rises, reintroduce chooses false fund, still be inferior to putting the safety in the home really. 银行利息本来就跟不上物价上涨,再提出点假钱,还真不如放家里安全了。
Paddy: Do you know that the United Nations is going to debating whether to reintroduce the ivory trade. 帕迪:你知道吗,联合国正准备讨论是否应该再次准许象牙交易。
My question to you: Are you able to produce these raincoats and help me to reintroduce this rainwear in the Netherlands? 我想问你:你是否能够产生这些雨衣和帮助我,为恢复在荷兰雨衣?
However, it is extremely difficult to construct even a purely theoretical scenario under which it would make sense for France or Germany to reintroduce national currencies. 然而,要构建一个哪怕只是纯理论的设想,让法国或德国恢复本国货币有其合理之处,那都是极为困难的。
Furthermore, the EU legislation required to reintroduce temporary borders is unlikely to come into effect before the end of the year, and could be delayed longer, insiders say. 此外,内部人士称,欧盟立法要求重新引入的临时边境管制不太可能在年底生效,可能会延迟。
The company said it has removed all offers from its games and will reintroduce them only once it can ensure their quality. 该公司表示,已经撤下了游戏中的所有广告,并且只有在能够保证质量的情况下,才会重新上广告。
This is the institute's ultimate goal, to introduce and reintroduce generations of movie audiences to our rich cultural heritage. 这也是协会的最终目的,即向一代又一代的电影观众介绍和再介绍我们丰富的文化遗产。
Some policymakers, though, apparently also want to reintroduce export subsidies for sectors most hurt by the currency appreciation that has already taken place. 一些决策层近期还想再推荐对那些本币升值最受损害,并已经蒙受损失的行业给予出口补贴。
Several emerging economies will reintroduce or strengthen controls on capital inflows. 一些新型经济体将重新引入或加强对资本流入的管控。
To ease the problem, coal producers recently voted to reintroduce quotas, a decision that still needs approval from the Australian competition regulator. 为了缓解这个问题,煤炭生产商最近进行了一次投票,决定再次引入配额制度。这个决定尚需澳大利亚竞争监管机构的批准。
Mr Greenspan's remarks hint at the need to reintroduce federal spending and financing constraints, similar to those included in the Budget Enforcement Act of the1990s. 格林斯潘先生这番话暗示,有必要重新采取限制联邦开支及融资措施,即类似于上世纪90年代《财政预算执行法》所包含的措施。
Official statement could not disguise the attempt to reintroduce measures against which we had struggled successfully in the past. 政府的陈述不能掩盖重新实行我们曾经成功地斗争反对的那些措施的企图。
More ambitiously, private and public institutions could try to reintroduce an old social norm: try to pay off the mortgage sooner rather than later, and at the latest by the time you retire. 更为雄心勃勃的方案是,私营和公共机构可以尝试重新引入一种古老的社会规范:设法提前而不是延迟偿清抵押贷款,而且最迟是在退休之前。
Proposals to reintroduce student grants are being considered. 学校正在考虑恢复学生助学金的建议。
I'd like to reintroduce you to an old friend. 我想在给你介绍一下老朋友。
I also think it's appalling that we can berate China for executing people, when poll after poll has shown that the majority of people in this country would want to reintroduce corporal punishment. 我也认为这很可怕,我们可以指责中国继续死刑,但是从数次投票来看,中国大部分人民都都支持恢复肉体刑罚。
There are plans to reintroduce fish to the water and revive the fishing industry. 当地政府还计划在水中养鱼,以重新恢复渔业的发展。
My own guess is that the remaining members of the current eurozone would then reintroduce their own national currencies. 我个人推测,在这种情况下,当前欧元区的其他国家将恢复各自国家的货币。
In response, the representative of China stated that China had ceased to use and would not reintroduce minimum or reference prices as a means to determine customs value. 对此,中国代表表示,中国已停止使用并将不再重新使用最低限价或参考价格作为确定完税价格的手段。
This was taken to mean China will reintroduce the crawling peg, which saw its currency appreciate 17 per cent against the dollar over three years until it was halted in 2008 to help Chinese exporters. 这被认为中国将重新施行爬行盯住政策&该政策曾让人民币兑美元汇率在3年里升值17%,直至2008年暂停以帮助中国出口商。