He walked into the room, reintroduced himself and pretended he didn't know how to wrap his Christmas gifts. I pretended to believe him and helped. 他走进我的房间,重新做了自我介绍。并假装他不知道如何包装圣诞礼物,我也假装信了他的话并帮了他。
In the late 1970s when China was opening up and social dance was reintroduced, there were murmurs that it would cause the collapse of social mores. 20世纪70年代末,中国实行改革开放,交谊舞再次进入人们的生活,当时便有言论称这会导致社会道德观念的崩溃。
Dependent objects were dropped, and EJB-to-EJB relationships were reintroduced. 去掉了依赖对象,并且重新引入了EJB-与-EJB关系。
Its unclear how Sam will be reintroduced we learned in the premiere that he moved out of state with his family or what his return will mean for exes Quinn and Mercedes. 目前还不清楚Sam将怎样被重新介绍,我们知道在首映时他和家人搬离了,那么他的返回对其前女友Quinn和Mercedes意味着什么?
China reintroduced government bond futures in September, nearly two decades after shuttering the market following a crash. 国债期货市场在近二十年之前彻底崩溃,政府随后关闭了该市场,但在去年9月份重新推出了国债期货。
Wolves were reintroduced to France in the 1990s under an international convention on wildlife conservation in Europe. 根据欧洲国际野生动物保护公约,法国于20世纪90年代重新引进了狼。
Although rural health insurance schemes have been reintroduced, out-of-pocket expenditure remains high and rural health-care services remain inadequate. 现在,虽然再度实行农村医疗保险,但医疗费自付比例仍很高,而且农村医疗服务仍很欠缺。
There are even Arabian oryx, the twin-horned antelope that had become extinct in the wild, but which have been reintroduced in various sanctuaries in the Gulf region, including Hawar. 甚至还有阿拉伯羚羊,这是一种濒临灭绝的野生双角羚羊,但又被海湾国家的一些保护区(包括哈瓦群岛)重新引入。
A major overhaul of our chemical policies is in order& specifically passage of the recently reintroduced Safe Chemicals Act by Senator Frank Lautenberg. 我们的化学物品政策正在进行改革&值得一提的是,刚刚通过了由议员FrankLautenberg重新提出的化学品安全法。
When borders opened up, hundreds of thousands of refugees were entering Europe; now controls are being reintroduced because of only a few thousand Tunisian incomers. 当边境开放后,数十万难民涌进了欧洲;而现在,仅仅因为几千名土耳其移民的到来,欧盟就重新采取了管控措施。
Thus, sneak transient pathways are reintroduced into the system. 由此,电涌进入的路径又被重新引入到系统中来。
But in Africa, a dramatic upsurge in this strain has been seen in the northern states of Nigeria, while other countries in Africa are struggling to eliminate viruses reintroduced two years ago. 但是,在非洲的尼日利亚北部省份,这一毒株却“猖獗蔓延”,而非洲的其它国家正在全力遏制两年前重新出现的这一病毒。
I think it's time you were reintroduced to your destiny 我认为,现在是时间,你被再导入到你的命运
After a gap of30 years the custom was reintroduced. 这一风俗中断了30年后又兴起来了。
In response to increasing food prices, Egypt has widened its food rationing system for the first time in two decades while Pakistan has reintroduced a ration card system that was abandoned in the mid-1980s. 为应对食品价格不断上涨,埃及政府20年来首次放宽其食品配给体系,而巴基斯坦则重新推出了上世纪80年代中期废弃的定量供应卡制度。
During the same period, only four states have reintroduced the death penalty. 同期,只有四个国家重新引入死刑。
Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace reintroduced theater-goers to the Skywalker family. 《星球大战前传一:魅影危机》上映,更多的观众加入到天行者的大家族。
Under protection and reintroduced to former habitats, the gray wolf population has come back. 在保护及重新引渡到原先的栖息环境的行动下,灰狼数量很快恢复了。
China has reintroduced a nationwide real estate sales tax in an attempt to reduce speculation and cool the bubbling property market after price rises accelerated across the country in November. 中国重新推出了一项全国性的房地产营业税,力图减少投机行为、冷却正在泡沫化的房地产市场。11月份,中国各地的房价加速上涨。
Central banks have also reintroduced some of their emergency liquidity measures to prevent the European sovereign debt crisis undermining the banking system, and the European Central Bank has resorted to unorthodox measures that were not contemplated at the height of the crisis. 此外,各国央行再度采取了一些紧急流动性措施,以防止欧洲主权债务危机动摇银行业体系,欧洲央行(ecb)更是祭出了在危机最严重时都不曾考虑过的非常举措。
What it does mean is that a new equilibrium must be found in which tighter regulation is reintroduced, aimed at reducing the propensities of too many in the markets to take on excessive risks. 这一事实意味着,必须找到一个新的平衡点,重新引入更为严格的监管,以便降低市场内有太多人承受过高风险的倾向性。
Should criminals be punished with lengthy jail terms or re-educated and rehabilitated, using community service programs for instance, before being reintroduced to society? 犯罪者应以入狱等方式去惩罚他,还是以“再教育.再适应的方式”,如社区服务、活动、课程等,来引导他们再进入社会,你的看法?
General relativity has reintroduced a new and subtle "ether" space-time itself. 广义相对论再度引进一个新的,难以想象的以太&空时本身。
( of a rule, law or system) be restored or reintroduced (指规章、法律或制度)恢复,规复
The induced abortion rate in sub-Saharan Africa rose in high-exposure countries relative to low-exposure countries when the Mexico City Policy was reintroduced. 当墨西哥城市政策重新引入时,在撒哈拉以南非洲国家中,相对于政策影响水平低的国家而言,政策影响水平高的国家人工流产率上升。
As substrate is reintroduced, neutrophil activity may heighten, increasing production of damaging superoxide and hydroxyl radicals. 再次导入酶解物,嗜中性细胞活动增强,增加破坏性超氧游离基和羟基的生产。
Any method can be used which will concentrate the waste solution to the extent that it can be reintroduced to the process chemical reservoir. 可以用任何方法来浓缩废液,使其能够再送回生产过程的化学品贮糟中。
They have not, however, reintroduced a curfew which was imposed when simmering sectarian tensions exploded in March, leaving several hundred dead. 然而,他们没有像三月份导致几百人死亡的宗教冲突一样再次引入宵禁。
Across the world, US dollar swaps have also been reintroduced to keep dollar liquidity flowing when US markets are shut. 全球各地再度实施美元互换,以便在美国市场关闭时保持美元流动性。