$ 31,000 is a generous remuneration. 31,000美元的薪水很不错了。
We hope you will kindly accept this small remuneration. 送上薄酬,还望笑纳。
Billy: I don't agree-my remuneration is based on my own job performance. 比利:我不同意-我的报酬是按照我分内的工作表现来支付的。
There has been a shift in perception of the remuneration opportunity in our industry. 人们对我们行业中薪酬机会的认识发生了改变。
The employers'payment for remuneration as specified in the labor contracts and abidance by the minimum salary standards; 用人单位支付劳动合同约定的劳动报酬和执行最低工资标准的情况;
If you feel the need to protest against this rotten remuneration system, you need strength in numbers. 你感到有必要对腐败的薪酬体系抗议,你需要数字的支持。
In fixing the remuneration we shall have respect to the work entailed and the qualifications of the person appointed. 我们在决定一个人应得的劳动报酬时,要考虑他的资格和他所承担的工作。
But owners, or their agent fund managers, must play their role, including ensuring remuneration is reasonable. 但所有者,或者他们的代理基金管理公司,则必须承担起自己的职责,包括确保薪酬处于合理水平。
Any dispute over the award and remuneration of the inventor or creator of a service invention-creation; (三)职务发明的发明人、设计人的奖励和报酬纠纷;
But a second, gloriously named FAT ( financial activities tax), on profits and remuneration, was not. 但第二个税种,即美其名曰FAT(金融活动税)、针对利润和薪酬的税,却出乎意料。
Labour market reform reduced severance payments and cut overtime remuneration. 劳动力市场改革削减了遣散费和加班费。
Informing the job requirements and labor remuneration to the dispatched workers; 告知被派遣劳动者的工作要求和劳动报酬;
Public companies only have to disclose the board's remuneration. 上市公司仅仅需要披露董事会成员的薪酬。
It would help hold remuneration committees to account if they and all other directors stood for election every year. 如果薪酬委员会和其他所有董事每年都要进行选举的话,让该委员会负起责任也会有所帮助。
No claims for extra remuneration on account of working outside normal working hours shall be entertained. 不接受由于正常工作时间以外工作而支付的额外报酬要求。
Government will ensure shareholders have the information necessary to fulfil their duties in challenging boards about risk and remuneration. 政府将确保股东能够获得必要的信息,以履行自己的义务,就风险和薪酬问题对董事会提出质疑。
We are offering a free flat and a small remuneration for some caretaking duties in the office block. 对办公大楼看门的岗位,我们将提供免费公寓和一小笔酬劳。
They also come alot more qualified and do not ask the moon for the remuneration. 他们还来了很多更合格,并没有要求月球的报酬。
A small remuneration and expenses are paid. 支付少量酬金和费用。
Staff remuneration in the overall enterprise management of the salary is very important. 员工总体报酬在企业的薪资管理中非常重要。
Director's compensation must be the sole remuneration from the listed company for audit-committee members. 审计委员会成员在上市公司所得的唯一报酬是董事酬金。
Approving, in consultation with the ceo, the remuneration arrangements for the other management committee members; 与首席执行官磋商,批准其他管理委员会成员的薪酬安排;
Yes, May I know the matter of remuneration. 是的,我想知道的薪酬问题。
We provide competitive remuneration to our employees. 我们为员工提供有竞争力的薪酬。
All Successful candidates can expect a very competitive remuneration package and a comprehensive range of benefits. 所有成功的候选人可以期待一个极具竞争力的薪酬待遇和全方位的福利。
Other options would be for a tax on bank profits, turnover or even remuneration. 其它选择包括对银行的利润、营业额甚至薪酬征税。
If a party fails to pay the price or remuneration, the other party may require payment thereof. 当事人一方未支付价款或者报酬的,对方可以要求其支付价款或者报酬。
Based on a survey, this report theoretically analyzes remuneration determinants and salary growth of employees in Hubei enterprises. 报告在实证调查的基础上,对湖北省企业职工劳动报酬的决定机制以及工资增长情况作了理论分析。
In his work with remuneration directors, Mr Trevor has uncovered some worrying truths. 在与薪酬主管共事的过程中,特雷弗发现了一些令人担忧的真相。
Coordinate and control the remuneration, recruitment, training, performance and employee relationship among all departments. 协调和控制公司各部门人力资源薪酬、招聘、培训以及绩效、员工关系等方面的工作;