The repo market, loans offered against treasury bonds, would freeze up. 回购市场以及由美国国债作为抵押担保的贷款将会冻结。
The money market and overnight repo funding markets dried up and they needed access to cheap government funds through the discount window in order to resolve what could have been an insolvency crisis. 当时货币市场和隔夜回购资金市场资金枯竭,它们需要通过贴现窗口获得廉价的政府资金以避免可能出现的流动性危机。
Now, when you switch to a Git repo, the prompt reflects state. 现在,当切换到一个Git存储库时,提示符会反映该状态。
You might need to set up your MAVEN_REPO build variable to point to your local Maven repository. 您可能需要设置MAVENREPO构建变量以指向本地Maven资源库。
The LTRO has reduced the reliance by some banks on funding from the repo market. 长期再融资操作已经降低了一些银行对回购市场资金的依赖度。
'We have been looking closely at the reverse repo market since last month,' said Mr. Wang, the Shanghai-based investment consultant, referring to the instruments traded on China's interbank market. 驻上海的投资顾问王伟表示,自上个月以来他们一直在密切关注逆回购市场。他指的是中国银行间市场上交易的工具。
Banks can obtain interest-free intraday liquidity through intraday repo using exchange fund bills notes. 银行可利用外汇基金票据债券作为即日回购协议的抵押品,以获取免息即日流动资金。
Lehman did not disclose the repo transactions to investors. 雷曼并未向投资者披露这些回购交易。
The most important of these recommendations are directed at the tri-party repo markets and the money market funds. 这些建议中最重要的一点针对着三方回购市场和货币市场基金。
The reluctance to lend between banks and other investors has also created chaos in the government repurchase or repo market, another important source of short-term funds for banks. 银行与其它投资者之间的惜贷状况,也使政府回购市场陷入混乱。政府回购市场是银行短期资金的另一个重要来源。
We must also ensure that core markets such as interbank lending, commercial paper and repo markets for high-quality securities are kept continuously open. 我们也必须确保核心市场例如银行间贷款、商业票据和优质证券回购市场继续保持开放。
Will a Tobin tax be imposed on ECB repo operations as well? 对欧洲央行的回购操作也会征收托宾税吗?
Some has flooded into money market funds ( which buy government bonds) or the repo world ( often backed by bonds); some money has entered the T-bill market directly. 一部分涌入了货币市场基金(这些基金购买政府债券)或者回购市场(通常得到债券的支持);也有些现金直接进入美国国债市场。
Research of the Arbitrage under Outright Repo in the Inter-bank Bond Market 买断式回购下的银行间债券市场的套利问题研究
If a bank is losing money because of bad investments, a coco bond will not prevent it defaulting on derivative and repo contracts ( often called systemic obligations). 如果某家银行因投资失误而发生亏损,或有可转换债券并不会防止该银行在衍生品与回购协议合约(常被称为系统性债务)上违约。
Extremely low short-term interest rates in the US are sharply eroding the functioning of the government repurchase or repo market, a foundation stone for the financial system and trading Treasury debt. 美国极低的短期利率水平正大幅侵蚀着政府回购机能,即回购市场,这一市场是金融体系和美国国债交易的基石。
In a repo transaction, sellers of debt securities promise to buy them back later for an agreed price. 在回购交易中,债务证券的卖方承诺,日后按约定价格重新买回这些证券。
The Fund said it was concerned about short-term reverse repurchase, or "repo", financing, although it told investors it maintained good relations with its remaining lenders. 虽然该基金告诉投资者,其与现有贷款方有着良好的关系,但该基金称,担心出现短期逆向回购(short-termreverserepurchase)行为,简称“repo”融资。
In the repo markets, borrowers, such as banks, pledge collateral in return for overnight loans from lenders, such as money market funds. 在回购市场中,贷款人(例如银行)以抵押品换取借款人(例如货币市场基金)的隔夜贷款。
The report details how they used a repo transaction to artificially reduce the bank's leverage, knowing the importance that investors placed on this figure. 调查报告详细说明了他们如何利用一种回购交易,人为降低了该行的杠杆率,因为他们知道投资者非常重视这个数字。
Restrictions on these funds 'short-term lending distort the cost of borrowing and have a knock-on effect for banks, among others, which rely on short-term transactions in the repo market. 此类基金的短期放贷受到限制,这扭曲了举债成本,对依赖回购市场进行短期融资的银行等机构造成了连带影响。
Should asset-backed securities, money market funds and repo be viewed as a private system? 资产支持证券、货币市场基金以及回购市场是否应被看作是私人货币体系?
That was a sharp contrast to the run-up to the Chinese New Year holidays in 2011 and 2012 when the repo rate quickly doubled before eventually falling back. 这与2011年和2012年春节之前形成了鲜明的对比,当时的回购利率急速升高了一倍,之后才有所回落。
The securities sold under repo agreements still remain as assets on the balance sheet. 根据回购协议售出的证券在资产负债表内仍然列为资产。
The HKMA and UK Treasury are holding a meeting in Hong Kong with seven banks to work on products and standards for Renminbi debt, currency and repo agreements, all necessary to the development of a liquid offshore market. 香港金管局和英国财政部正在香港与7家银行开会,就人民币债务、货币和回购协议的产品和标准进行讨论,这些都是建立一个流动性好的离岸市场的要素。
This had made it more difficult to borrow at all in private repo markets and means that even when collateral can still be deployed into central bank lending operations less money can be borrowed against it. 这既加大了在私人回购市场贷款的难度,也意味着即使抵押品仍可用在央行放贷业务中,用它作为抵押所能够借到的资金也少了。
A few years ago, the ECB used to treat Greek and German bonds equally in its repo operations. 几年前,欧洲央行在其回购操作中是把希腊国债与德国国债同样对待的。