N-UNCOUNT 居住;居住权 Some-one's residency in a particular place, especially in a country, is the fact that they live there or that they are officially allowed to live there.
He applied for British residency... 他申请了在英国的居住权。
Foreigners found without residency cards can be fined or imprisoned. 没有绿卡的外国人一经发现就会被罚款或监禁。
N-COUNT (医生的)实习期 A doctor's residency is the period of specialized training in a hospital that he or she receives after leaving university.
He completed his pediatric residency at Stanford University Hospital. 他在斯坦福大学附属医院完成了自己的儿科实习。
Foreigners found without residency cards can be fined or imprisoned. 没有绿卡的外国人一经发现就会被罚款或监禁。
He completed his pediatric residency at Stanford University Hospital. 他在斯坦福大学附属医院完成了自己的儿科实习。
Mr Olaechea has British residency by virtue of his marriage. 奥拉伊奇先生通过结婚而取得在英国的永久居留权。
Chinese officials said most of those detained were mining illegally without visas, work and residency permits. 据中国官员称,被扣留的大多数非法淘金者都没有签证和工作及居住许可。
Look, he said, once you finish your medical residency, you can do anything you want. 瞧,你只要完成了医生实习期,就可以做任何你想做的事情。
Many locals are resentful of mainland Chinese using that route to obtain education and residency rights for their children. 许多香港人讨厌内地人利用这一途径为子女获得教育权和居留权。
Some Chinese buyers are using the properties to meet the universities 'residency requirements. 一些中国买家利用这些物业来满足大学对居住的要求。
Come into a new country and change residency. Changes in your residence may be financially favorable. 进入一个新国家并改变住所。巨蟹座:住所的改变在资金上是有利的。
Have you ever applied for a waiver of the Two-Year Home Country Residency Requirement? 你曾经申请豁免回国居住两年要求了吗?
The rights of residency for such migrants would no longer be automatic. 这些移民今后将不能再自动获得所在国的居留权。
Now, in the last month of my residency, sleeping was no longer a problem. 现在,当我的住院实习期接近最后一个月,睡觉就已经不成问题了。
Following the development of the market economy, the residency has already gradually lost its original effect and value. 随着市场经济的发展,户口已经渐渐失去了原有的效力和价值。
When I was in residency. 当我在医院实习的时候。
We'll have more time after my residency. 等我一实习完就有时间了我们。
How does this affect my application for permanent residency? 此政策对我的永居移民签证会有什么影响?
Then these young doctors work in hospitals for several years to complete a training program called a residency. 之后,这些年轻的医生还要在医院工作几年,以完成一个被称为住院实习的训练项目。
I haven't moved at this pace since I did my residency. 从我进行了高阶训练后,还一直没有到这一步。
During our residency we collect the worn-out gloves of the labourers from the road. 在我们的进驻期间我们在路上收集了民工们穿破了的手套。
In Asti I met a policeman through singing who smoothed out getting my residency permit. 在阿斯蒂,我通过唱歌认识了一位警察,他帮我拿到了居民身份证。
Marriage for residency: can you feel the love? 为移民而结婚:你能感觉到爱吗?
Residency Requirements: As part of this program you will attend residential colloquia in addition to your online courses. 居留规定:作为这项计划,您将参加除了您的在线课程的住宅座谈会的一部分。
Only Hong Kong-born Chinese nationals with at least one permanent resident parent would be eligible for permanent residency. 只有在本港出生兼且父母其中一方是香港永久居民的中国公民才有永久居留权。
Without formal residency rights to public services, migrants have more incentive to save. 由于没有当地户口、无法享受公共服务,农民工有着更大的储蓄动机。
Another way to gain permanent residency is to have a job offer, also called an employment-based preference. 另一个获得永久居留权的方式是找到工作,也被称作雇用优先。
This intensive, focused training is typically one or two years after residency training. 这种密集的,有重点的培训通常是在住院医师培训一、两年后进行。
There's been a major clamp down on illegal aliens marrying for residency status. 我们一直在极力取缔外国人为居留和绿卡而结婚的不法行为。
Come into a new country and change residency. 进入一个新国家并改变住所。