Was he afraid, he was asked. 'Afraid of what?' he retorted 有人问他是否害怕。“害怕什么?”他反问道。
Others retort that strong central power is a dangerous thing in Russia. 其他人反驳说强大的中央集权在俄罗斯是很危险的。
I said a few words to him in retort. 我顶了他几句。
He not only ignored the criticism of his friends but went so far as to answer back ( or retort) sarcastically. 他对朋友们的批评置若罔闻,甚至反唇相讥。
This retort angered Carrie. 这句回答惹恼了嘉莉。
My dad would retort: ya, I don't think so. 爸爸会反驳说:是吗?我不同意。
I smothered the retort that rose to my lips. 反驳他的话已到唇边,我又忍住未说。
9.10 Do you bring the Retort Kit, Methylene Blue Kit to the platform? 你带了固相蒸馏仪和亚甲基蓝测试仪到平台上吗?
Continuous operation was reached of one retort in accordance with design operating conditions ( six months in2002). 按照设计的运行条件,一台干馏炉实现了连续运行(2002年中的六个月)。
The growth advocate can legitimately retort that growth need not take a material form. 支持经济增长的人士可以理直气壮地反驳说,增长不一定要体现在物质上。
UNDP officials retort that the Americans won't tell them what sort of thing they are allegedly hiding. 而联合国发展计划署的官员反驳说美国根本讲不出他们涉嫌隐瞒了什么。
If she said something that I considered suggestion, I would make a sharp retort. 如果她讲些我认为是调情的话,我就会狠狠反击。
The ratings agencies retort that they cannot be blamed for the way ratings are used. 评级机构反驳称,不能将评级的使用方式归咎于它们。
He scored a bull's-eye in their argument with that witty retort. 在他们的辩论中他那一句机智的反驳击中了要害。
His retort made her angry. 他的回嘴使她发怒。
He made an angry retort. 他愤怒地骂还了一声。
And whoever and whatever was praised in the fool's presence, he had the same retort for everything. 在愚人面前被赞美的无论何人无论何事,他也对每件事进行同样的反驳。
He retort that it is my fault as much as his. 他反驳说我的错误并不比他的错误小。
He was ruffled up by their behaviour. His retort made her angry. 他们的行为使他发怒了。
In any case, they do not retort. 不管在任何情况下,他们都不会反驳你。
Her roommate's retort made her angry. 她同屋的反驳使她生气。
He shut up after this, and went in to his paper, but the retort rankled in his mind. 他就此闭上了嘴,回去看报了,但是这句反驳的话刺痛了他的心。
He scored a bull's eye in their argument with that witty retort. 在争论中他以诙谐的反驳击中对方之要害。
Indicates a negation to a certain judgement. It has the tone of disagreement or retort. 表示对某种判断的否定。带有不同意或反驳的语气。
She responded to their criticism with a witty retort. 她以机智的反驳回应了他们的批评。
Now optimists might retort that this last point about company sentiment is not so important. 乐观人士可能会反驳称,关于企业信心那最后一点并不很重要。
Marianne was going to retort, but she remembered her promises and forbore. There were no complaints this time; no matter what the pudding was, it was consumed with gusto. 玛丽安正想反驳,但她记起了自己的诺言,便捺住了性子。这次没有怨言,不管它是什么布丁,反正都被津津有味地吃光了。
Peter flushed, refraining from a quick retort. 彼得脸红了,没有立即反驳。
Its foes retort that continued stimulus could scare investors into dumping US Treasuries. 另一方则反驳道,持续的刺激可能会让投资者感到恐慌,促使他们抛售美国国债。