Dena bought rolls of silk that seemed ridiculously cheap 德娜买了几卷看起来非常次的丝绸。
She looked ridiculously young to be a mother. 她作为妈妈实在是太年轻了。
It is ridiculously absurd to predict that the sun will not rise tomorrow. 预言明天太阳将不会升起是荒唐可笑的。
The kid's life was ridiculously lavish and he was more than a little spoiled. 小孩的生活简直奢侈无比,完全被宠坏了。
Kids 'sports are becoming ridiculously structured and competitive. 如今的儿童体育比赛正变得超乎寻常地组织严密、竞争激烈。
To my taste, the men in Rome are ridiculously, hurtfully, stupidly beautiful. 对我的口味而言,罗马的男人美得可笑、有害、愚蠢。
These days it seems that giving your baby some ridiculously weird name has become the norm. 现在,似乎给孩子起个稀奇古怪的名字是司空见惯了。
How did I get the Fujian job? It is ridiculously simple. 我是怎样得到福建的工作的?答案简单得可笑。
I had to pay a ridiculously high amount to insure my car. 我不得不交纳一笔高得荒唐的钱来为我的汽车保险。
The meal was ridiculously expensive. 这顿饭贵得太离谱了。
More importantly, though, I'm studying the ridiculously complicated Chinese language. 更重要的是,我正在学习中文的可笑复杂。
He is ridiculously hard-working. 他勤奋到了离谱的程度。
Its ridiculously undervalued currency greatly encouraged exports which appeared cheap to the rest of the world. 它的货币被荒谬地低估了价值,这极大地刺激了出口,使出口货在世界其他各地显得十分便宜。
"No," I said, but, ridiculously, my voice broke. “不,”我说道,但可笑的是,我破音了。
China has begun pumping out more cars and trucks than ever before at ridiculously low prices. 中国已经开始以前所未有的速度抛掷出更多的汽车和卡车,而它们都有着荒谬的超低价格。
Do not be fooled by some sites offering you traffic at ridiculously low prices. 不要被愚弄了某些网站为您提供交通,可笑不低的价格。
People in that class are so ridiculously sensitive. 她们那种阶级的人总是那么荒谬地容易生气。
Now, incongruously, ridiculously, she found herself longing for a cheese sandwich. 令人奇怪的是,此时此刻她却不合时宜地渴望吃上一块奶酪三明治。
His first book, Life Without Limits: Inspiration for a Ridiculously Good Life was published in2010. 他的第一本书《生命永无止境:荒谬的美好生活启示录》,于2010年出版。
China has a ridiculously high savings ratio so its residents are well equipped to deal with a moderate bubble. 中国的高利率存款真是可笑,这样以来人们就可以很好地适应中度泡沫了。
'Madame,'I went on,'I am grateful that you have forgotten that first meeting, for I behaved quite ridiculously and must surely have seemed very tiresome to you. “夫人,”接着我又说,“我很感激您已经忘记了第一次的介绍,因为那时我很可笑,一定惹您生气了。
He let out his house at a ridiculously low rent. 他以低得难以想象的租金把房子租了出去。
They're ridiculously underpaid, especially as the work is so dangerous. 他们的报酬低得可笑,而工作却很危险。
Men are ridiculously pig-headed and stubborn. 男人是如此可笑的死脑筋和顽固不化。
It is ridiculously absurd to believe that the number 13 is unlucky. 相信数字13是个不吉祥的数字是荒唐可笑的。
Often, businesses are priced ridiculously high against what can likely be earned from investments in stocks or bonds. 这些行业的定价常常会高得荒谬,投资其股票或债券根本赚不了钱。
But in Canada, where I grew up, I was ridiculously lucky. 但是,在加拿大成长的我却幸运地出奇。
The price of beer here is ridiculously high. 这儿的啤酒贵得也太离谱了。
I have ridiculously fair skin, and your Light Cream shade is perfect for me. 我可笑公平的皮肤,和你的轻色调霜最适合我。
But by looking at only the negative a ridiculously distorted picture emerges. 但如果只看消极方面,那么一幅扭曲可笑的图画就会呈现在眼前。