惯用右手的人 You can describe someone as a right-hander if they use their right hand rather than their left hand for activities such as writing and sports and for picking things up.
The right-hander reportedly swung his first club at age four. 据报道,习惯用右手的关天朗第一次挥杆是在四岁时。
When the Yankees bid$ 32 million or so for Matsuzaka, I think they honestly believed that would be enough to land the talented right-hander. 当洋基出价3200万美金竞标松坂大辅时,我想他们相信这名右投手的有足够的实力。
The future Hall of Fame right-hander is expected to be made available later in the afternoon Sunday for further comment. 这位准名人堂的右投手预计会在星期日下午进一步说明情况。
The38-year-old right-hander, on the disabled list with a strained left hamstring, will be back on the field Saturday to work on fielding drills and test himself covering bases. 这位38岁的右投手,因为左腿拉伤进了伤兵名单,即将在星期六回到球场上练习与守备。
The right-hander wasn't his sharpest, but his performance still translated into seven shutout innings and an8-0 victory over the Twins at Yankee Stadium. 这位右投手并非在他的最佳状态,但他的表现,依然可以转化为七局的无失分比赛,带领洋基在主场,以8:0打败了双城。
The right-hander said the reason the Yankees lost the series was because of how well the tigers pitched. 小民说洋基会输这个系列赛是因为老虎的投手太好了!
Placing a magnet on your head can temporarily turn you from a right-hander to a left-handed person, a new study suggests. 英国《每日邮报》9月27日报道:据最新研究显示,在脑袋上放置一块磁铁能将人暂时从“右撇子”变成“左撇子”。
And both he and Joe Torre agreed: the right-hander was pretty much here, there and everywhere with his pitches and his focus. 他和托瑞两人都同意这一点:这个右投他已差不多找回他的投球和他应有的注意力。
The right-hander gave up two runs and seven hits in61/ 3 innings, striking out five and walking three. 这名右投手在他主投的6又1/局之中,被击出七支安打、2分,投出五次三振和三次保送。
The right-hander said he isn't concerned after experiencing minor tightness in his right wrist, which he attributed to throwing more pitches. 这名右投手说他感觉他的右手腕有一点小紧绷,但并不担心,他把原因归咎于投球数量过多。
One reporter even asked if the veteran right-hander was a math major in college. 一位记者甚至问到老穆在学校的主修是否是数学系。
Cashman also resisted trading his own prospects, particularly right-hander Philip Hughes and outfielder Jose Tabata. 现金男也不愿意交易掉他自己的新秀,特别是右投休斯和外野手塔巴塔。
The major tipping point in the Yankees'favor was their immediate need for Clemens, said the right-hander's agent, Randy Hendricks. 克莱门斯的经纪人亨德瑞斯表示,洋基能够独得垂青,主要是因为他们立刻就需要克莱门斯。
The right-hander will be evaluated after a bullpen session on Wednesday. 阿民将会在星期三牛棚练投后评估。
It was a rare pummeling for the Taiwanese right-hander, so New York is giving Wang a chance to save the club's season. 对这位台湾右投手是相当罕见的事情,因此洋基队决定再给王一次机会保住他们球队的球季。
The biggest difference between Left-hander and right-hander is the preference of two hands. 左利手者与右利手者最大的区别在于二者对双手使用的偏好。