Cancellations and late departures rarely rile him. 他很少因为约定取消或出发太晚而恼火。
That would further rile China, which holds nearly$ 2 trillion in foreign-exchange reserves, the majority in dollars. 这会进一步激怒中国,在中国目前近2万亿美元的外汇储备中,大多数都是美元资产。
You can create users in the default rile registry by using the zero CLI. 您可以使用zeroCLI在默认的文件注册表中创建用户。
There are some things he does that really rile me. 他做的一些事真使我恼火。
And it's not just the added weight that is likely to rile their partners, for the value of all those clothes in the average woman's suitcase is? 1,140. 不单是行李的重量会让同行伴侣头疼,女性行李箱里衣物的平均价值更是达到了1140英镑。
As the economic, political and cultural center, the city act as the leading rile in city development. 城市作为政治、经济、文化的中心,在社会发展中起着主导作用。
Odom laughs as he hears the Lakers '"Bench Mob" rile the team's superstar. 奥多姆大笑起来当他听说湖人的“板凳暴徒”们激怒了他们球队的超级大腕。
I only know it is one of the shooting positions for the rile event. 我只知道卧姿是步枪项目射击姿势的一种。
Mr Ma has been at pains to emphasise that we don't have to be forced into unnecessary or unpleasant concessions, but any signs that Beijing is quietly trying to exert authority over Taiwan still rile. 马英九竭力强调我们不必被迫做出没有必要或不愉快的让步,但任何表明北京正设法悄悄对台湾施威的迹象都会激起公愤。
The film is certain to rile audiences in China, and opponents say it will only cause embarrassment for Japan. 这部电影一定会激怒中国的观众。反对者们称这只会让日本陷入尴尬之中。
I'd rather not rile the citizenry until we have a better understanding of what we're dealing with here, Tirion said. 我可不想激怒平民,直到我们对我们正在处理的这件事有了一个更深的认识,提里奥说。
Even trivial things – like who looks after the TV remote, leaving wet towels on the floor and taking too long to get ready – rile us. 就算是些鸡毛蒜皮的小事也会惹毛对方,像谁管电视遥控器啦,湿毛巾丢地上啦,磨磨蹭蹭准备太长时间啦。