The four provinces are riven by deep family and tribal conflicts 这4个省被严重的家族和部族纷争弄得四分五裂。
The party was riven with factional fighting. 派系争斗使该党四分五裂。
China` s rich kids have an image problem in a nation riven by a growing gap between rich and poor. 中国的贫富差距不断加大,这使得富家子弟的形象问题备受关注。
There is plenty of scope for regret when one looks back at the Arab uprisings, and particularly at the catastrophe that has befallen Libya, which is riven by sectarian strife. 当回首阿拉伯起义时,有很多令人遗憾的地方,尤其是降临利比亚的灾难,这个国家正被教派冲突撕裂。
Mixed feelings make sense in a comedian who was always paradoxical& a winning, witty and supremely confident performer who offstage was practically a hermit and riven by self-doubt. 复杂的感情对这位喜剧演员来说言之有理,他总是充满矛盾,他是一位成功、机智、具有超级自信的表演者,但在台下,他实际上是一位隐士,备受自我怀疑的折磨。
While relations are transformed, South Africa remains riven by racial and socioeconomic inequality. 虽然种族关系得到改变,但南非仍被种族与社会经济不平等割裂。
A wild landscape is riven by deep gorges and clothed in steamy forests. 野性的大地被深峻的峡谷撕裂,也覆盖著热气氤氲的森林。
Mr Pandit's allies within Citi – a company that has often been riven by infighting among rival factions – insist that he can lead the bank out of the turmoil. 潘伟迪在花旗内部的盟友该银行经常被敌对派系之间的内讧弄得四分五裂坚称,他可以领导这家银行摆脱这场动乱。
And for those who are currently riven by conflict, like Ivory coast, but whose World Cup team is a unique and powerful symbol of national unity, it inspires nothing less than the hope of national rebirth. 对于那些由于冲突而被分裂的国家,比如象牙海岸来说,它们的足球队是国家统一的特殊而有力的象征,它激起的决不仅仅只是国家重生的希望。
Of course, there are poorly run associations among the 1000 or so serious trade bodies in Britain. These are the ones riven with infighting, run by second-rate staff combined with an inflexible, old-fashioned outlook. 当然,英国1000多家严肃的行业协会中也有经营不善者:被内讧搞得四分五裂,由平庸之辈执掌,观点僵化过时。
Historically fissured and perpetually in a process of reluctant homogenization, America is a civilization riven by contradiction and ritual self-delusion. 历史上的分裂、持续发展当中的同质化倾向,使美国文化在矛盾和自欺的仪式中形成。
In a world of unpredictable currencies, riven by fears of massive inflation and with enormous doubts about the true value of many other financial instruments, gold becomes an attractive option. 在这样一个充斥着不可预知的货币,被大规模通货膨胀的担忧以及对其他金融工具真实价值的质疑而撕裂的世界里,黄金成为具有吸引力的选择。
The waves were running mountains high and the inky clouds were riven by forked lightning. 波涛汹涌如山,闪电象一把叉子似地划破了漆黑的云层。
Mrs Clinton's campaign has been riven by faction-fights between the "white boys" who are close to her husband and "the Hillary girls" who are close to her. 亲希拉里的“希拉里女孩”与亲克林顿的“白小子”之间的派系争斗严重分裂了她的竞选活动;
A country riven by deep divisions of race and ideology. 一个因种族和意识形态严重分歧而陷于分裂的国家。
In a region riven by mistrust and age-old hostilities, the interdependence created by trade and investment – particularly in the form of cross-border production networks – is the most powerful underpinning of stability. 在这个因不信任和历史积怨而分裂的地区,贸易和投资(特别是以跨境生产网络形式出现的投资)所创造的相互依赖,是地区稳定的最强大支柱。
Most churches are riven by tensions: it is not so long ago that the Roman Catholic Opus Dei glared at liberation theologists, and Moscow's Orthodox still squabble like mad with Constantinople's. 多数教堂因为无法承受压力而分裂开来:正当罗马天主教组织OpusDei怒视自由派神学家的时候,同样信奉东正教的莫斯科与君士坦丁堡之间却还在疯狂的争吵。
They probably lack relevant experience, and would find the task riven with conflicts. 他们或许缺乏相关经验,会发现这一任务充满利益冲突。
It was riven with disagreement over the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in1979 and had nothing to say about the captive nations of the Kremlin's empire. 而在1979年苏联入侵阿富汗时,组织内部产生了分歧,并对于这个克林姆林帝国的沦陷国家表示缄默。
Peaceful countries are managing to escape poverty-which is becoming concentrated in countries riven by civil war, ethnic conflict and organised crime. 和平的国家正在成功摆脱贫困,而贫困现象正在集中于那些被内战、民族冲突及有组织犯罪撕裂的国家。
Mr Johnson believes one reason for the Rockefellers 'enduring influence is that the history of their fortune spared them the big decisions over how to run the family company, or when to sell it and divide the proceeds, which have riven other dynasties. 约翰逊认为,洛克菲勒家族影响力不朽的原因之一是,他们的财富历史让他们在如何管理家族企业、或者何时出售以及何时进行收入分配的问题上做出重大决定,收入分配问题一直困扰着其它家族。
The second is riven by divisions, not only between Bosniaks and Croats, but also among Bosniak leaders. 而波黑联邦则存有分裂,不只在波什尼亚克族和克罗地亚族之间,而且还在波什尼亚克族领导人之间。
Many clubs are riven by internal disputes, while others have not survived more than a couple of years. 许多协会因为内部纠纷被迫解散,其它协会存在的时间也超不过两年。
In Hong Kong, casino king Stanley Ho's company is riven by open warfare with his sister over her share of the dividends. 在香港,赌王何鸿燊与其姐姐就分红比例公开争执,赌王的企业因此分裂。
Both main partiesare riven by contradictions: both contain modernisers alongside a grizzled oldguard of conservatives and socialists. 两个主要政党内部都矛盾重重;双方都不乏激进派、老保守派以及社会主义者。
The whole business has been riven with conflicts of interest for at least two centuries. 这项事务为利益冲突成为的焦点已经至少有两百年了。
The upper surface of glacier is riven by crevasses. 冰川的上表面已裂成冰隙。
Yet prison work is riven with acrimony. 但人们对使用囚工充满了尖刻的批评。
Back then, I was doing doctorate research in the department of social anthropology at Cambridge University, which was a fascinating place to work but also underfunded, ignored by the outside world, and riven with intellectual self-doubt. 当时,我正在剑桥大学(Cambridgeuniversity)社会人类学系读博士。这个地方非常适合做研究,但资金匮乏、被外界忽视,并且由于知识分子的自我怀疑而四分五裂。