He has complained to the police about rowdy neighbours 他向警方投诉邻居们太吵闹。
There were rowdy scenes inside parliament during the debate. 在争论的过程中,国会内部一片混乱。
Rowdy mobs gathered in the leading thoroughfares. 一群暴徒在要道聚众闹事。
A rowdy group of boys ran through the streets. 一群吵闹的男孩跑过街道。
Nowadays, it is the beverage of choice among rowdy young people on a Saturday night out, and it has fueled acts of violence and destruction in more than a few societies. 啤酒是时下血气方刚的年轻人在周六夜晚狂欢时必备的饮料,而啤酒也在为数不少的社群里激发了暴力和破坏行为。
Stepping confidently into the rowdy classroom, he opened the window as wide as possible. 他很自信地步入乱哄哄的教室,把窗子尽可能大地打开。
Families said they were disgusted to see rowdy students downing so much alcohol that they urinated in park flower beds and cavorted with their trousers around their ankles. 来公园游玩的家人们说,吵闹的学生喝了太多酒,有些人在公园的花坛小便,还把裤子脱到脚踝处,这让人感到恶心。
Why do you have me pegged as the rowdy one? 你为何将我归类为好勇斗狠的人?
The bar I worked was a pretty rowdy country bar so nightly fights and parking lot brawls were common. 我所在的那个酒吧是个非常粗暴吵闹的乡间酒吧,所以夜里碰上个打架,或者停车场的争吵那简直是司空见惯。
Rafael: Last year when my other son graduated, a group of rowdy students started singing an offensive song as the graduates went up to get their diplomas. 去年,我另一个儿子毕业。毕业典礼进行到颁发毕业证时,一群闹腾的学生就开始唱冒犯的歌曲。
It was a very rowdy meeting. 这是一次很粗野的会。
Union spokesman John Turchiano said panic buttons would deter potentially rowdy guests. 工会发言人图尔基亚诺说,紧急按钮能遏阻喧闹轻浮的客人。
I will keep away from rowdy places. I will not ask about things that are abnormal or unusual. 避免去斗争或胡闹的场所,绝不过问邪恶或不正常的事情。
We don't let Timothy play with those rowdy children. 我们不让提莫西和那些嚣张的孩子们玩。
A rowdy kid like that is just the kind that parents dote on. 做父母所宠爱的,正是这种调皮捣蛋的孩子。
The teacher made the rowdy class quiet down. 老师使这吵闹的班级安静了下来。
The football team got a rowdy welcome when they came home after the cup final. 足球队在杯赛决赛后归来时受到了喧闹的欢迎。
Fifteen minutes into the show, a bunch of rowdy football players started catcalling several actresses on stage. 表演开始十五分钟后,一帮足球运动员开始集体向着舞台上的女演员发出嘘声。
He wanted to crack the rowdy over the head, but refrained. 他想猛击小流氓的头,可还是忍住了。
A Welsh inventor claims to have found the perfect solution to rowdy youngsters& noise. 威尔士一个发明者声称:已经找到了用噪音对付吵闹孩子的绝妙解决方法。
If they were rowdy, out-of-control teenagers, they will probably be rowdy, out-of-control police officers. 如果他们十几岁时就粗暴、不服管教,他们可能会是粗暴、不服管教的警察。
A rowdy or mischievous person ( usually a young man). 粗暴或为害的人(尤其指年轻人)。
Bobbio says he wants to target people who are "rowdy, unruly or simply badly behaved". 路易吉-博比奥称该举措瞄准对象为那些“聒噪、无纪律、行为恶劣”之人。
Please consume alcohol in moderate quantities so that you become mildly sedated but not rowdy. 请您适量饮酒,这样您会变得温顺、安静,而不是大吵大闹。
One is that election news has temporarily snatched some limelight from the disgruntled farmers who, after eight months of tenuous peace with the administration, have grown rowdy again. 一是选举新闻暂时地夺走了粗暴农民不悦的表情,八个月与管理者的和平处以后,农民的不满情绪又恢复到了从前。
Late one night a police officer was patrolling a rowdy bar to anticipate possible DUI violations. 一天深夜,一名警察去一个经常有人闹事的酒吧门口巡逻,为了避免有酒后驾车的情况发生。
Eg. The football match was incredibly rowdy. 这场橄榄球比赛的场面失去了控制。
"She's gone home," Obama said on Monday as tens of thousands of rowdy supporters at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte grew silent in an evening drizzle. 本周一晚在北卡罗来纳州立大学夏洛特分成校的竞选活动中,奥巴马对几万名支持者说:“她走了。”当时的天空飘着细雨,喧闹的人群立刻安静下来。
I have to sit on the class when they get too rowdy. 班上学生太闹时,我就得管一管。
I finally got my rowdy daughter to sleep. 我终于把吵闹的女儿哄睡着。