Suited salarymen napping, often standing up, are a common sight on crowded commuter trains. 西装革履的上班族在拥挤的上下班列车上站着睡觉在日本十分常见。
Buildings close at a reasonable hour, obliging salarymen to forego hours of masochistic overtime. 写字楼在正常时间关闭,迫使工薪阶层放弃数小时的自虐式加班。
Businesses won preferential finance and in return offered "salarymen" job guarantees and the dream of a middle-class life. 集团赢得优先财政权,反过来就会为“工薪阶层”提供工作保证和中产阶级的梦想。
Salarymen shed their jackets and ties; some even worked from home to save fuel. 为了节省能源,上班族不再穿西装、打领带上班,有一些还改成在家里上班。
Japan seems a good place to investigate this, since salarymen in Tokyo spend much of their free time carousing with each other. 要研究这个问题,日本似乎是个好地方,因为东京的企业职员把他们的大部分闲暇时间花在了相互寻欢作乐上。
The biggest obstacle is the strict hierarchy still operating in Japanese offices-for most salarymen it is unthinkable to indulge any innovation which has not previously been adopted by the boss. 日本办公室中严格的等级制度是实施此项计划的最大的障碍,因为对大多数工薪族来讲,如果事先未征得老板的同意就贸然进行革新,其后果是难以想象的。
The air conditioning will rarely come on, so the Government has launched Cool Biz to persuade salarymen to take off their ties, unbutton their shirts and cast off their jackets instead. 这样空调很少能发挥作用,因此日本政府提起了“清凉商务”的计划,劝说上班族们解下领带、松开扣子、脱掉夹克。
Even hostess bars have adapted to Japanese tastes, bringing in the open-plan lounges and no-tipping policy that night-on-the-town Japanese salarymen prefer. 甚至舞女酒吧也已顺应日本口味,引入了开放式休息间,和泡夜店的日本工薪阶层所偏爱的无小费政策。
Salarymen shed their jackets and ties; Salarymen脱下他们的夹克和领带;