'What do you want!' she whispered savagely. 'Get out.' “你想干什么!”她粗野地低语道,“滚开。”
The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous 该作品带有残酷的强悍和野性的幽默感。
He was savagely reviled. 他被骂得狗血喷头。
Get it ready, will you?'was the answer, uttered so savagely that I started. “准备好,行吗?”这就是回答,他说得这么蛮横,竟把我吓了一跳。
Their works have been banned, or they have been savagely attacked by the official spokesmen of apartheid. 他们的作品被禁止,他们受到了种族隔离官方发言人的猛烈攻击。
She was able to sit up, but a soldier clubbed her savagely over her head and her breast, and so she died. 但她还能坐起来,一个兵在她头部及胸部猛击两棍,于是死掉了。
He wrote romantic poetry before the war and then, in the mid-twenties, turned savagely against humanity. 战前,他写浪漫诗;二十年代中期,他转而激烈反对古典文学。
Was the answer, uttered so savagely that I started. 这就是回答,他说得这么蛮横,竟把我吓了一跳。
A pain slashed at her heart as savagely as a wild animal's fangs. 疼痛猛刺她的心,就像野兽的尖牙一样残酷。
"The Lord stopped thinking about us years ago," said Scarlett savagely. “很久以来上帝就不管我们了,”思嘉粗鲁地说。
She glanced at his white-swatched head and blue goggles. You mind your own business, shouted the landlord, turning savagely on him. 他又向那白布包着的头如死板的眼镜盯了一下。你少管闲事!店老板叫着,凶恶地看他一眼。
Yes, I know my dear, they savagely attack those who question their "truth". 是的,我知道我的挚爱,野蛮的袭击发生在了那些寻找他们真相的人之上。
She was savagely murdered at the age of22. 她在22岁的时候就被残忍地杀害了。
He rubbed his eyes savagely to clear his vision, and beheld, not a horse, but a great brown bear. 他狼狠地揉着眼睛,让自己瞧瞧清楚,原来它并不是马,而是一头大棕熊。
Why he'd come to his own life so tenaciously, so savagely. 他的生命为什么如此顽强,狂野。
They had fought him savagely, their stems slashing across his wrists as he tried to harvest a ripe ear. 他们之间激烈地争来斗去,当他试图去收成熟的麦穗时,它们的茎扫在他的手腕上。
He gripped the arms of the chair so savagely that every finger end was stinging. 他狠狠地抓住椅子的把手,弄得每个指尖都发痛了。
He jerked the boy savagely to his feet. 他粗暴地把那男孩猛拉站起来。
She was savagely attacked in her own home. 她自己家中遭到了野蛮的袭击。
The bullet graze was beginning to throb savagely. 子弹擦伤处开始猛烈地抽痛。
Mister Morehouse shook his head savagely. 摩尔斯先生把头摇的像波浪鼓。
Drag her away!'he cried savagely. “把她拖走!”他狂野地大叫。
A little girl was savagely mauled by her family's dog yesterday. 一个小女孩昨天被她家的狗严重咬伤了。
The master tied me to a pillar and whipped me savagely. 主人把我捆在一根柱子上,恶狠狠地用鞭子抽我。
Thrashing to break free, he was jabbed savagely with sharp sticks. 在他拼命挣扎着要脱身时,有人用尖利的木棒凶狠地戳他。
The tiger pounced savagely on the goat. 那只老虎凶暴地突袭那只山羊。
The fierce warrior Brychen who sired twelve sons and twenty-four daughters and savagely put down all attacks on his kingdom. 凶猛的勇士布赖欣生了十二个儿子和二十四个女儿,他勇猛地粉碎了对王国所有的进攻。
You use your brother savagely. 你残酷地利用你的弟弟。
The reactionary officials savagely oppressed the people. 反动官吏鱼(渔)肉百姓。
The terrorists replied promptly and savagely by bombing the city center. 恐怖分子立刻作出反应,对市中心进行了野蛮轰炸。