She recalled thAT frequently AT recess she had taken Douglas, a scrubby forlorn child, by the hand. 道格拉斯个头矮小,样子也不讨人喜欢,但老师在下课时总会过去牵牵他的手。
A clump of scrubby trees, such as alone grew on the peninsula, did not so much conceal the cottage from view, as seem to denote that here was some object which would fain have been, or at least ought to be, concealed. 半岛上只长着一丛孤零零的矮树,非但没有遮住茅屋,反倒象是在指示出这里有一个目标,而那个目标原本不情愿或至少是应该被挡得看不见的。
Following into a hole of the base of some scrubby bushes, he started digging with a metal pole. 接着在一片杂木丛生的灌木丛中发现了一个洞,他开始用金属棒往里捅。
Bush fallow: Poor quality land covered with scrubBy vegetation. 灌木林修耕地,灌木林闲地:灌木丛生的劣质土地。
Small reddish-brown wallabies of scrubby areas of Australia and New Guinea. 澳大利亚和新几内亚灌木丛生的地区中褐红色的小沙袋鼠。
I am a lackluster scholar, with scrubby and talent to Beijing fears that exam, as most of the same exam, go home frustrated. 我是一位落魄的书生,带着穷酸与才华战战兢兢的进京赶考,一如大都赶考的一样,失意而归。
Extremely dangerous; most common in areas of scattered scrubby growth; from Mojave Desert to w. Texas and into Mexico. 异常危险;在参差的丛林地区最为普遍;从莫哈韦沙漠到得克萨斯西部并进入墨西哥地区。
The oldest living thing is also a tree& a scrubby bristle-cone pine, 4,900 years old, growing on the cold, bare side of a Nevada mountain. 最古老的生物也是树:一株低矮的狐尾松树,4900岁,生长在美国内华达州的寒冷荒凉的山坡上。
A common scrubby deciduous tree of central and southeastern United States having dark bark and broad 3-lobed ( club-shaped) leaves; tends to form dense thickets. 美国东南部和中部常见的灌丛状的栎树,树皮黑色,叶宽,三裂片;易于形成密丛。
Scrubby Australian acacia having extremely foul-smelling blossoms. 一种似灌木状的澳大利亚金合欢树,开花时有极难闻的气味。
He is a mild, bald, timid man with a shining head, and a scrubby clump of black hair sticking out at the back. 他是个温和,胆小的人;他秃头顶,脑袋亮亮的,一撮乱蓬蓬的黑发在后面翘了起来。
He had once been a big star but now at the young age of thirty-five he was washed up. After instructions are given on how to communicate with our camels, we're off into a rough land of red dirt and low, scrubby grass. 他曾经是红极一时的大明星,但在三十五岁这个年纪上就像废物一样给冲进臭水沟了。我们听完了如何与骆驼沟通的指导后,就出发前往布满红土与低矮草丛的荒野大地。
In the middle of a scrubby business park on the outskirts of Dublin, a hulking grey building has recently sprung up. 在都柏林郊外一片灌木丛生的商业园区中央,一座庞大的灰色建筑最近拔地而起。
Scrawny cattle; scrubby cut-over pine; old stunted thorn trees. 瘦骨如柴的牛;矮小的被砍断的松树;老而矮小的荆棘。
Canopy interception of tree and shrub plantations in a farming-pastoral zone of Loess Plateau Bush fallow: Poor quality land covered with scrubBy vegetation. 黄土高原农牧交错带人工乔灌木林冠截留灌木林修耕地,灌木林闲地:灌木丛生的劣质土地。
In some of the grainy pictures, scrubby and deserted patches of creosote and mesquite sway in a gentle wind; 透过这些镜头,可以看到低矮荒芜的斑状杂酚油和豆科灌木在风中摇摆;
After instructions are given on how to communicate with our camels, we're off into a rough land of red dirt and low, scrubby grass. 我们听完了如何与骆驼沟通的指导后,就出发前往布满红土与低矮草丛的荒野大地。
The property development was supposed to bring five continents, in the form of artificial islands, to scrubby farmland near the booming city of Tianjin. 这个房地产开发项目原本要以人工岛的形式,把五大洲搬到繁荣发展的天津附近的贫瘠农地。
The Rate of Carbon Dioxide Release from Alpine Scrubby Meadow Soil Under Different Grazing Intensity 放牧强度对高寒灌丛草甸土壤CO2释放速率的影响
Change in life-form composition indicated that perennial herbage and scrubby plants were severely affected, but annual herb and semi-shrub species occured on all dune types. 从植物的生活型来看,多年生草本和灌木类植物受沙丘类型的影响最大,而一年生草本和半灌木可存活于不同沙丘类型。
The agronomic traits of mutants showed scrubby plant, shorter leaves, smaller panicle, low seed setting rate, grain number per panicle^ 1000-grain weight and grain density reduced. 农艺性状方面突变体表现为株高降低,剑叶缩短,稻穗变小,每穗总粒数和实粒数减少,结实率下降,千粒重减轻,着粒密度变稀等。