Editors and contributors are trying to second-guess the future. 编辑们和撰稿者们在试图预测未来。
We are going to have critics in both of our countries who are going to second-guess decisions that we are making. 两国都会有一些持批评意见的人对我们的种种决定作出臆测。
In explaining itself, HSBC said that the Swiss private banking industry used to think that it was clients 'responsibility to declare their wealth and that it was not up to the bank to second-guess them. 汇丰在自辩时表示,瑞士私人银行业习惯性认为申报个人财富是客户的责任,轮不到银行来核查。
Try not to second-guess the market. 不要对市场做过多猜测。
In his email to China Real Time, Mr. Lee said the cancer had made him second-guess the physical sacrifices he had made during his career. 李开复在致中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)栏目的电子邮件中说,癌症令他反思自己在职业生涯中身体健康上做出的牺牲。
'We don't have to second-guess where this supplement is coming from'. 我们没必要猜测这种补充是怎么来的。
After a breakup, it's all too easy to second-guess yourself and your choices. 分手后,一不留神就容易做事后自我批评,或批评做出的抉择。
Players must precisely weight their passes and second-guess the runs of their team-mates and exploit their movement. 玩家必须精确的传球和重量第二猜想他们的队友的运行,并利用他们的行动。
Once again, therefore, copper investors find themselves trying to second-guess Chinese buyers. 因此,铜投资者发现自己又在努力揣测中国买家的动作。
Behaviours driven by seeking to second-guess the actions of others lose this efficiency in delivering good outcomes. 通过猜测别人的行动来决定自己的行为,会丧失这种带来良好结果的有效性。
All I am saying is that we don't have any reason to second-guess the current market price of housing in an obscure provincial city in China, merely on the basis of a4 minute video. 我所说的全部意思就是,我们无法仅仅凭这4分钟的视频,就可预言到现下中国一个不重要省份的城市的住房市场价格。
I'm tired of trying to second-guess you. 我已厌倦了在事后努力对你进行劝告。
His argument is based on two propositions: first, the payment system is the core financial utility; and, second, regulators cannot successfully second-guess the decisions of huge institutions staffed by better-paid and more highly motivated people than themselves. 他的论点基于两个命题:首先,支付体系是核心金融公用事业;其次,监管者无法成功预言大型机构的决定与监管者相比,这些机构的职员待遇更高,更有动力。
She's always trying to second-guess me. 她老想猜我的心思。
However decisive she may be at the office, she will second-guess herself constantly as a mother. 无论做出的是哪一种决定,在办公室里,作为母亲的她都会不断地否定自己的决定。
Rather than stand up for the rights of Hong Kong's people, it is inclined to second-guess the views of the government in Beijing. 他们倾向于揣摩北京的意图,讨好北京,而不是支持香港人的权利诉求。
In formulating initiatives for services promotion, the government understands very well that it is not its task to dictate business decisions or to second-guess markets. 在订定推广服务业的措施时,政府充分明白,我们的职责并非支配商业决定或揣测市场动向。
All the journalists were trying to second-guess the outcome of the election. 记者都试图预测选举的结果。
The papers have all been trying to second-guess each other about the President's next move. 各报一直在竞相猜测总统的下一步行动。
I don't mean to second-guess you, admiral. 我并不是在提醒你,中将。
But for the last ten yrs he has been trying to second-guess the boy child. 但在近10年里,他开始重新审视厄尔尼诺。
Snake people are unpredictable, and it's difficult to second-guess what they are thinking. 属蛇的人难以捉摸,外人很难猜测他们内心的想法。
Create an established time to second-guess yourself, a time when you know your commitment won't be weakened by the temptations of the moment. 找出固定的时间,用来对自己进行重新思考。这个时候你知道你遵守承诺的力量不会被环境的诱惑所削弱。
The result is that everyone is trying to stand out and trying to second-guess what they think is wanted. 其结果是,大家都试图脱颖而出,都在努力猜测公司想要什么。
Since these were not job applications where candidates might have been tempted to second-guess the qualities being sought, the students could be frank in their self-assessments. 因为这些并不是求职,候选者不需要猜测招聘单位想寻找的特质,所以学生们在自我评估中或许可以做到坦率。