The output of this is fed into a sed script that only prints numbers. 这个输出被送入只允许数字的sed脚本。
GNU sed will accept sed& version to display the version. GNUsed将接受sed&version来显示该版本。
In addition to operating on individual lines, sed can operate on a range of lines. 除了操作单独的行外,sed还可以操作一个行范围。
By using addresses, you can tell sed to perform edits only on a particular line or lines. 通过使用地址,可以告诉sed只对某一或某些特定行进行编辑。
Luckily, you have the sed command ( Stream EDitor), which provides powerful 幸运的是,您可以使用sed命令(StreamEDitor),它提供了功能强大的
Then you'll do it all again using the Perl programming and scripting language so that you can see how Perl can act as a powerful replacement for both the tr and sed commands. 然后,您将使用Perl编程和脚本语言再次完成这些操作,这样一来您就可以认识到,Perl的功能非常强大,它可以替代tr和sed命令。
In this example, we called sed with one editing command,'d. 在该例中,用一个编辑命令'd'调用sed。
Start txt2regex and specify regexps for grep, sed, and Emacs 启动txt2regex并指定构建用于grep、sed和Emacs的regexp
This includes crafting loops and knowing how to parse data using utilities like awk, grep, and sed. 这包括巧妙使用循环和知道如何使用awk、grep和sed等的实用程序解析数据。
Sed is a lightweight stream editor that's included with nearly all UNIX flavors, including Linux. sed是一种几乎包括在所有UNIX平台(包括Linux)的轻量级流编辑器。
The most complex and powerful of editing tools discussed here is sed ( Stream EDitor). 本文讨论的最复杂和最强大的编辑工具是sed(流编辑器)。
This article helps you better understand the regular expressions used by both grep and sed. 本文将帮助您更好地理解grep和sed使用的正则表达式。
You can also alter text from the command line using patterns, replace, and sed. 还可以使用模式、替换和sed从命令行更改文本。
It covers basic usage, commands, filters ( another name for command line utilities), sed, awk, grep, shell programming, and C programming in UNIX. 该书介绍了UNIX中的基本用法、命令、过滤器(命令行实用程序的另一个名称)、sed、awk、grep、shell编程和C编程。
This will cause sed to delete any matching lines. 这将导致sed删除任何匹配的行。
You can see the basic format of a sed command in Listing 7. 在清单7中,您可以看到sed命令的基本格式。
In capabilities and programming level, Rexx can be compared most closely to bash plus the GNU text utilities ( throwing in grep and sed for good measure); or maybe to awk or Perl. 在实际能力和编程级别上,Rexx最接近于bash加上GNU文件工具(外加grep和sed);或者可能相当于awk或Perl。
Many other UNIX tools, including interactive editors vi and Emacs, stream editors sed and awk, and all modern programming languages, also support regular expressions. 许多其他UNIX工具,包括交互式编辑器vi和Emacs、流编辑器sed和awk,以及所有现代编程语言都支持正则表达式。
You can also write a short sed program to output matches in color. 还可以编写简短的sed程序来以颜色标记输出内容。
I use a simple sed script to put the comments and use them later on if need be. 我使用下面这个简单的sed脚本来注释掉这些调用,如果以后需要,可以再重新使用它们。
Let's now do that with a sed script stored in a file. 现在让我们使用存储在文件中的sed脚本来实现相同的操作。
For example, grep, sed, and other tools like them have man pages that describe their regexp syntax and give examples. 例如,grep、sed和其他类似的工具都提供了手册页,描述其regexp语法并提供相关示例。
In the meantime, you might want to check out the following sed and regular expression resources. 同时,您可能想查看下列sed和规则表达式资源。
Sed is the stream editor. Sed是一个流编辑器。
Sed may combine several lines in the pattern space, and it may write to a file, write only selected output, or not write at all. Sed可以在模式空间中组合多个行,然后它可能将输出写入到文件中、只写入选择的输出,或者根本不执行写入。
I found it at alpha. gnu. org, in/ pub/ sed. 我在alpha.gnu.org的/pub/sed中找到了它。
So, why use it instead of sed? 那么,为什么要使用tr,而不使用sed呢?
You can do that with several applications, including grep, sed, and Emacs. 可以使用多个应用程序完成此工作,包括grep、sed和Emacs。
You will also learn how to use the stream editor sed. 您还将了解到如何使用流编辑器sed。
Canon can now press ahead with televisions based on surface-conduction electron-emitter displays, or SED. 佳能现在可以加紧推出利用这种表面传导电子反射体显示技术(SED)的电视了。