My sense of inferiority bred a need to take on a personality that was not my own, a seducing self that would respond to every demand and suggestion made by my exalted companion. 出于意识到的自卑感,我需要得到一种自己本身并不具有的个性:一种为了吸引对方而去迎合心上人的需求的自我。
In the verses, Ms. Swift sings drowsily, as if seducing or just waking up: I said 'No one has to know what we do'/ His hands are in my hair/ His clothes are in my room. 在主歌里,她懒洋洋地唱着,仿佛在诱惑,要不就是刚睡醒:我说,‘没人知道我们在干什么’/他的手放在我的头发里/她的衣服在我房间里。
Seduction involves a degree of surprise, which is generally the first thing that disappears after you've been in a relationship, and why there's no more seducing that goes on. 诱惑也含有惊喜的味道,通常情况下,这是恋爱后第一个消失的东西,也是不会再有诱惑的感觉的原因。
How is that seducing you? 那个怎么能引诱的了你啊?
As he was mainly interested in seducing you, he was never to be believed with his "you could go to the very top" chat-up line. 由于他感兴趣的主要是勾引你,所以千万别相信他那些“你可以一直升到最高职位”的话。
Where people actually make money without seducing anyone. 那些工作人们不用色相就可以挣钱。
The former, however, exists for itself alone, and is always distasteful when it betrays the purpose of pleasing or seducing a buyer. 然而,前者只能独立存在,当它违背了取悦或者吸引消费者的目的时,就会变得索然无味。
In Merlin and Viviene, Tennyson tells the passionate love story of a woman seducing a man. 在《梅林和薇薇安》中,丁尼生讲述一个女子诱惑一个男子的狂热爱情故事。
From the dawn of time, women have been seducing men, so they're already experienced in the art of seduction. 在最初的世界里,女人就开始引诱男人,因此她们熟悉劝诱的艺术。
Seducing people into defection is a business for Protestant missionaries but ultimately causes more conflict between North and South. It won't undermine the regime. 诱使人们叛逃,是新教传教士在干的一件事。这最终只会在韩朝之间引起更多冲突,而不会削弱朝鲜政权。
At first sight, the Internet seems to be as cool, if not cooler, than TV because it activates users, seducing, or even forcing, them into active participation in the medium. 第一眼看来互联网起码和电视一样是冷媒介,因为它激发用户,诱使甚至强迫他们来积极地参与到媒介中来。
However, he warns against its tolerance of a Jezebel spirit seducing God's servants. 不过他责备他们容让那自称是先知的妇人耶洗别教导神的仆人。
He's seducing woman with a certain age. 他专门勾引有一定年龄的女人。
Our bourgeois, not content with having the wives and daughters of their proletarians at their disposal, not to speak of common prostitutes, take the greatest pleasure in seducing each other's wives. 我们的资产者不以他们的无产者的妻子和女儿受他们支配为满足,正式的卖淫更不必说了,他们还以互相诱奸妻子为最大的享乐。
Don't worry. I never fail at seducing a woman. 你放心,对付女人我从不失手。
She can't pass a mirror without seducing it. 当她看到镜子不去照照是不可能的。
The silk of love is just like the willow in April with its snow-like flowers seducing our eyes. 爱的丝也如四月的柳絮一般飞舞着,迷乱着我们的眼,雪一般覆盖着视线。
But I've turned seducing women into a science. 但我把诱惑女人升华成了一种科学。
He had briefly bemoaned the fact that he had not married wealthy young Suzanne Walter, but he soon became intrigued with the idea of seducing her mother, a pillar of dignity. 原先,他曾为未能娶上年轻、富有的苏珊娜・华代尔小姐而感到懊丧,但不久就策划想要勾引她那雍容华贵的母亲。
"Collect evidence illegally" refers to these behaviors, collecting the defendant's states, witnesses, and tangible evidence by torture or threaten or seducing into or cheating etc. 非法取证指采用刑讯逼供或者威胁、引诱、欺骗等非法方法取得的被告人供述、被害人陈述和证人证言以及实物证据等行为。
On Obtaining Deposition by Seducing or Deceiving 试论以引诱、欺骗方法收集口供
We are forbidden to get confession by torture, threat, seducing or other illegal methods. 虽然在某些案件中,口供是必不可少的重要证据,但我们必须严禁刑讯逼供或以威胁引诱、欺骗等非法方式逼取口供。
This article discusses obtaining deposition by seducing or deceiving from three sections: bounding, legal consequence, and perfecting institution, to solve the trouble of separation between legislation and practice. 本文从引诱、欺骗方法的界定、法律后果和制度完善三个方面对这一现象进行了分析,以期解决我国法律规定与司法实践相脱节的问题。
Ghost stories with the theme of ghost's seducing man have occupied a sizable proportion in colloquial stories of the Song and Yuan Dynasties. 以妖鬼魅人为主要内容的烟粉灵怪故事,在宋元话本中占有相当的比例。
Obtaining deposition by seducing or deceivingisone kind of illegal way of obtaining evidence widespread of it in our administration of justice mainly because the relevant institution is deficient. 以引诱、欺骗方法收集口供是非法取证的一种形式,司法实践中这种现象普遍存在,究其原因主要是因为相关法律制度不完善。
The research has found that self-efficacy plays an essential part in seducing entrepreneurial behavior and entrepreneurial thinking. 研究发现它是影响创业意向的一个主要因素,对创业者的的创业思想和创业行为起着必不可少的作用。