'Leigh,' he said seizing my arm to hold me back. “莉,”他说着一把抓住我的胳膊把我拉了回来。
We firmly oppose ourselves to seizing on others 'faultsm to putting hats on people, and to wielding the big stick. 我们坚决反对抓辫子,戴帽子,打棍子。
Stealing, swindling or seizing a small amount of public or private property; (一)偷窃、骗取、抢夺少量公私财物的;
I am seizing you! 我要抓住你!
Her husband shouted at her, seizing/ taking hold of her hand. 她丈夫抓着她的手,大声对她吼叫着。
"I? I detest him," replied Favourite in the same tone, seizing her fork again. “我,我厌恶他,”宠儿用了同样的语调回答,重又拿起她的叉子。
And we have a tradition here of tackling new challenges, adapting to new circumstances, seizing new opportunities. 我们有应对新挑战、适应新形势、抓住新机遇的传统。
Police arrested the suspected stalker Monday, seizing several cell phones and computers from her home in Rotterdam. 警方在本周一拘捕了这名骚扰疑犯,同时也从其位于鹿特丹的家中收缴了若干电话和电脑。
We can all of us make our lives sublime, by seizing common occasions and making them great. 平常的机会,只要抓住就能变得不平凡,这样,我们每个人都能使自己的生命变得崇高伟大。
Financial markets have been seizing up for weeks. 金融市场已经数周无法正常运转了。
We are seizing the opportunity to push ahead comprehensive industrial restructuring and upgrading. 我们抓住机遇全面推进产业结构调整和优化升级。
We're seizing their raft. 我们夺了他们的筏子。
Your two hands are seizing that emaciated purple tulip tightly. 你用你的双手紧紧地抓住那朵瘦弱的紫色郁金香。
But by seizing the moment they made history. 但抓住了这一时刻,他们便创造了历史。
We move quickly embracing change and seizing new opportunities. 我们行动敏捷,善于接受变化并抓住新的机会。
Throw a steer by seizing the horns and twisting the neck, as in a rodeo. 在牛仔竞技表演中抓住公牛或阉牛的角,扭它们的脖子直到它们摔倒为止,然后把它们扔出去。
Thrown in from the start, he quickly set about seizing his opportunity with both hands. 而从一开始他就决定用这双手好好抓住他的这次机会。
He felt a muscle in his calf seizing up. 他觉得小腿有一块肌肉僵住了。
And seizing soapy by the collar he threw him out of the restaurant. 他抓住苏比的衣领,把他扔出了店外。
They also accuse the group of seizing nine students and a professor who were later found shot. 他们还指控行刑队抓捕了9名学生和1名教授,后来发现这些人都被打死。
Seizing the know-how and trend, the company aim's to develop into a world-class Mobile and IT company providing services and products inside and outside of China. 在抓住知识和机遇的同时,公司立志于成为世界级的无线增值内容和IT的公司,并提供中国内外完善的服务及产品。
Bernstein has misunderstood the Engels old age about peace improvement and the armed seizing power thought. 伯恩施坦误解了恩格斯晚年关于和平改良与武装夺权的思想。
I'm having a seizure. I'm clearly mid-seizure. I'm seizing. 我在抽搐,我很肯定我在抽搐。
You can't understand and see it, let alone seizing it. 这股气你不明白祂,也看不见祂,更别说想抓住祂。
Seizing the opportunity of WTO entry to further enhance the level of opening-up. 第三,抓住加入世界贸易组织带来的机遇,进一步提高对外开放水平。
An enterprise will board a new and higher development platform if seizing the opportunity and choosing the right strategy. 抓住了机遇,选对了战略,企业就获得了一个新的更高的平台;
The act of distraining or seizing to compel payment. 扣押财物扣押以逼迫付款的行为。
The empire was built on the bloody killing and seizing. 这个帝国是建立在血腥的杀戮和掠夺上的。
We divided the group into assault, seizing, defense and reserve groups. 我们把班分为袭击、夺取、保卫和后备队。
Clinching, wrestling, pushing, or seizing, without attempting a throw or other technique. 抱,扭摔,推或抓而没有摔或其它的技术。