He lacks completely the Faculty of self-criticism. 他完全缺乏自我批评的能力。
But there must be ideological work, criticism and self-criticism. 但是不做思想工作,不搞批评和自我批评一定不行。
Surely the United States Senate is big enough to take self-criticism and self-appraisal. 当然,美国参议院有足够大的度量作自我批评和自我评价。
We have the Marxist-Leninist weapon of criticism and self-criticism. 我们有批评和自我批评这个马克思列宁主义的武器。
Criticism and self-criticism strengthen unity. 批评与自我批评能增进团结。
This was a culture devoid of self-criticism and self-analysis, hindering the prevention of impending economic catastrophe. 这是一种缺乏自我批评和自我分析的文化,给防范日益迫近的经济灾难制造了障碍。
Such education is self-education for the people, and its basic method is criticism and self-criticism. 这种教育工作是人民内部的自我教育工作,批评和自我批评的方法就是自我教育的基本方法。
Look for typical examples and unfold criticism and self-criticism. 找典型,批评和自我批评。
Be bold in making criticism and self-criticism. 要敢于作批评和自我批评。
They practice respect and humility, tolerance, and self-criticism. 他们在实践中具有尊重,忍让和自我批判的品格。
The method of rectification is to make criticism and self-criticism, present the facts and reason things out. 整风的方法是批评和自我批评,摆事实,讲道理。
And third, it must be based on self-criticism. 第三,这个党必须是建立在自我批评基础上的党。
To consolidate the revolutionary united front, we must use the method of criticism and self-criticism. 要达到巩固革命统一战线的目的,必须采取批评和自我批评的方法。
Keep on scanning and self-criticism. 不断审视和检讨自己。
Many comrades have undertaken self-criticism; with unity as the objective unity has been achieved through self-criticism. 许多同志作了自我批评,从团结的目标出发,经过自我批评,达到了团结。
At the close of the Second Session of the National Committee I suggested the use of criticism and self-criticism in self-education and self-remoulding. 在全国委员会第二次会议闭幕的时候,我曾提出了以批评和自我批评方法进行自我教育和自我改造的建议。
Today, at this meeting, I make this self-criticism on behalf of the Central Committee. 今天我代表中央向大家作自我批评。
They carried out criticism and self-criticism and made many valuable proposals. 他们进行了批评和自我批评,提出了许多有价值的建议。
Rectification means the whole Party studying Marxism through criticism and self-criticism. 整风就是全党通过批评和自我批评来学习马克思主义。
He refused to make self-criticism. 他拒不做自我批评。
He made a sincere self-criticism. 他作了诚恳的自我批评。
The chief method for dealing with this confusion remains criticism and self-criticism. 解决思想战线混乱问题的主要方法,仍然是开展批评和自我批评。
In this spirit of self-criticism, I identify four weaknesses in the coverage. 本着自我批评的精神,我找出了媒体报道中的四点不足。
Nevertheless, we must not be complacent but continue our self-criticism and strive for further progress. 但是我们不应该自满,我们还要继续作自我批评,还要继续求进步。
Presently further reconsiders to own existence's question, carries on the criticism and the self-criticism. 现对自身存在的问题进一步反思,进行批评与自我批评。
We should particularly encourage sincere self-criticism and receive it warmly. 尤其要欢迎和鼓励他们进行诚恳的自我批评。
It is all very well to make self-criticism and we welcome it. 作自我批评是好的,我们表示欢迎。
Being mindful will help you examine and challenge the self-criticism. 保持留心会有助于检查和挑战你的自我批评。
We have carried out criticism and self-criticism at this session, basing ourselves on the Common Programme. 我们在这次会议中,即根据《共同纲领》,采取了批评和自我批评的方法。
If this is wrong, I will be the first to make self-criticism. 这样做要是犯错误,我首先检讨。