The two layers of cultural phenomenon, ie, substance and signification, determine its semiotic nature. 文化事物总有物质的一面和意义的一面,这就决定了文化现象的符号性质。
So once again you get a clash, an unresolved clash, but a clash that arises from and participates in the semiotic structure of a common code, right? 所以我们再次看到了冲突,没有被解决的解决的冲突,但这个冲突产生于并参与了,共同编码的语言结构,对吧?
Linguistic Mode or Semiotic One& An Interpretation of Divinatory Symbols of The Book of Changes 文字学模式还是符号学模式&对《易经》卦画的一种解释
Knowledge as social beings in the media of code of language& semiotic sociology or form sociology's ideology theory; 作为语言符号而社会性地存在的知识:语言社会学或形式社会学式的意识形态理论;
Because multimodal discourse is a typical feature of English advertising, it is urgent to try a social semiotic approach to the multimodal discourse of advertisement. 鉴于多模式话语在广告英语中普遍存在,对广告进行多模式话语的社会符号学分析,十分必要。
Through the semiotic theory, analyzed the symbolic, different kinds of symbol and symbolic characters in the Game and Animation. 通过符号学原理,分析了在游戏和动漫中的符号化、不同类别符号的应用以及符号的特性。
A semiotic interpretation of the popular culture of Disco 迪斯科:一种青年流行文化的符号学解读
Hall emphasized the semiotic and the discursive approaches in the constructionist approach to "representation". 霍尔着重论述了构成主义的两种途径&符号学(语言学)和“话语”。
The Semiotic Interpretation of Tea Culture, Which is Used in the Environment Design 茶文化的符号学解读及其在环境设计中的应用
Three analyses are employed for more exact measurement of discourse: a content analysis, a qualitative analysis, and a semiotic analysis. 为了精确度量广告话语,本文运用了三种分析方法,即内容分析、定性分析和符号分析法。
An Semiotic Trilogy, Sunbow Art Gallery, Shanghai, 2007. 绘画记号学三部曲>上海,太阳虹画廊,2007年。
His choice to alter his methods is semiotic. 他改变他方法的选择是有意义的。
Semiotic Translation of Metaphor from the Angles of Signifier and Signified 从能指和所指的角度看隐喻的符号学翻译
A Semiotic Method in Model-Based HCI System Analysis 基于模型的人机交互系统分析的符号学方法
The Study of Lu Xun's Science Fiction Translation Based On Roland Barthes 'Semiotic Game 罗兰·巴特符号游戏视域下的鲁迅科学小说翻译
As we know Nietzsche also points out this component, in this way he accentuated the semiotic character of consciousness. 如我们所知,尼采同样指出了这一点,这样他强调了意识的符号性。
Based on the Semiotic Theory of Localization Appliances Design Study 基于符号学理论的本土化家用电器设计研究
A Semiotic Interpretation of "Cat in the Rain" 《雨中的猫》的符号学解读&厄内斯特·海明威小说中的猫和女性
A Social Semiotic Approach to the Multimodal Discourse of Environmental Advertisements 多模态环保公益广告语篇的社会符号学分析
The Development and "Overthrow" of Saussure's Semiotic Theory by Barthes 罗兰·巴特对索绪尔符号理论的发展和颠覆
He thus revealed the common features and invariants of culture and also demonstrated the variation of cultural signs in the semiotic space. 他为我们揭示了文化的共性和恒量,展示了文化符号在符号空间中的变形。
On the stipulating features of Chinese ancient style of writing and semiotic characteristics 论中国古代文体的规定性及符号学特征
She believes that the text is the subject of semiotics and that the semiotic process has two modes: the semiotic and the symbolic. 她将文本定义为符号学研究的对象,认为作为一种实践过程的符号具有两个特征:前符号态和符号象征态。
This paper, by use of the semiotic principles, analyzes the issue in creation thinking mode of the designers for indoor design and the communication with the receivers, and also puts that semiotics does great help to the designer in dealing well with communication and transmission. 摘要运用符号学原理,探讨了在室内设计中设计人员创作思维方式与受众沟通方面的问题,提出了运用符号学将帮助设计人员更好地处理传达交流关系。
Semiotic multimodality and meaning integration in human-computer-human interaction: a multimodal discourse analysis of blogs 人-机-人交流中符号模态选择及其意义整合&以多模态语篇博客网页分析为例
The Turn of Linguistic Ontology and the Semiotic Interpretation of Meaning 语言本体论转向与意义的符号性解读
Originally in graphic design, we are way behind many of the widely used, are hidden in the shadow of semiotic theory, in the graphic design there are also a phenomenon. 原来在平面设计中我们正在广泛运用的许多手法背后,都隐藏着符号学原理的影子,在图形设计中也存在着这种现象。
A Semiotic Study of the Meaning of Women in the Contemporary Chinese Magazine Advertising 当代中国杂志广告中女性意义的符号学研究
Translation of fictional dialogues& A study of two Chinese versions of Jane Eyre from the semiotic perspective; 小说对话的翻译&从符号学角度分析《简·爱》
Combining semiotic perspective, the value of tourism products made not only contains the value and value should also include the symbol value. 结合符号学的观点,提出旅游产品的价值不仅包含使用价值和价值还应包括符号价值。