Semiotical Analysis of the Cultural Visual Image System of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games 08奥运文化视觉形象系统的符号学阐释
Advertising, as an essential part of commercial activities, is of great semiotical significance. 摘要广告作为商业活动不可或缺的媒介,有其重要的符号意义。
This article analyses one of Nathaniel Howthorne's early works, The Minister's Black Veil, from a variety of perspectives, traditional f narrative, semiotical, and stylistical, to show some of Howthorne's artistical features and deepen our understanding on their ideological origin. 运用传统的、叙事学的、符号学的以及文体学的理论方法分析纳撒尼尔·霍桑的一部早期作品&《牧师的黑面纱》,旨在展示他的艺术特色,并加深对其思想根源的认识。
The Shift of Perspectives in the Study of Ci Fu Shift of Perspectives in Translation: A Semiotical Approach 辞赋研究的视角转换符号学视角下的翻译视点转换
Section Three generalizes the semiotical characteristics of modern books which are practical, conventional, pluralistic in politics and interactive in exchange and discusses the relation between the changes of value system of modern society and the transition of book symbols. 第三节归纳了近代图书实用性、世俗化、多元政治性和交流互动性等符号特点,讨论了近代社会价值体系的转变与图书符号转型之间的关系。
The author will try to understand the semiotical values of the fashion culture and the cultural psychological mechanism of fashion, and to make clear the interaction between advertising and the fashion culture so as to catch correctly the influences and meanings of the fashion culture. 笔者力求把握时尚文化的符号学价值,了解时尚的文化心理机制,理清广告与时尚文化之间的互动关系,以期正确地认识时尚文化的影响和意义。
Section One deals with the use of semiotical strategy in the process of the production, publicity and marketing of best sellers. 第一节论述了在畅销书文本的生产、宣传和销售环节中符号策略的运用。
This paper will take a semiotical perspective to analyze the fashion consumption phenomena through advertising which, to some extent, can reflect the fashion, build the fashion and communicate the fashion. 本文拟从符号学的角度切入,通过广告来解读时尚消费现象,因为很大程度上,广告可以反映时尚、制造时尚、传播时尚。
Section One makes a brief account of the history of the development of best sellers, analyzes their semiotical significance and points out the importance of studying the best sellers. 第一节对畅销书排行榜的发展历史做了简述,对其符号意义做了分析,指出它对畅销书文本研究的重要意义。