There is no difference between the sexes. 男女之间没有差别。
It would be a tragedy if both sexes were enslaved to the god of work. 如果男人和女人都被工作所束缚,那将会是一场悲剧。
In the last 30 years, both sexes have performed a somersault in terms of expectations, roles and relationships. 最近30年里,男性和女性在个人期望、社会角色和人际关系方面都发生了180度的大转变。
The battle of the sexes also took a new twist 两性之争也出现了新的变数。
But changing attitudes have narrowed the pay gap between the sexes. 然而,社会观念的转变已经缩小了性别间的收入差距。
All ethnic groups in Sri Lanka preserve clear distinctions in the roles of the sexes. 所有斯里兰卡民族保持了明确差别的性别角色分工。
The book has been massively popular with both sexes, because feminism is not a gender specific issue. 这本书大受两性读者的欢迎,因为女权主义不是一个性别方面的具体问题。
Alice thinks apparent brain differences between the sexes have been exaggerated by how our culture treats boys and girls. 爱丽丝认为大脑性别的明显差异夸大了我们对男孩和女孩文化的观点。
Work fatigue and working overtime were associated with weight gain in both sexes. 无论男女,体重增加都与工作疲劳和加班工作有关。
Should debunk is new latitudinarian carry out the3 hypocritical sexes that liberalize greatly and fabulosity. 应揭穿新自由主义推行三大自由化的虚伪性和非现实性。
Richardson concluded from his studies that equality between the sexes is still a long way off. 里查德森从他的研究中得出结论:男女平等还有很长的路要走。
I believe in equality between the sexes. 我信奉性别之间的平等。
We support equality of sexes and races, because everyone is born equal. 我支持性别平等和种族平等,因为人生来平等。
Are there important psychological differences between the two sexes? 两性之间有无重要的心理差别?
They looked at one sex only to avoid differences in life span between sexes. 为了避免性别上的差异,此项研究仅在男性中开展。
All the old women of both sexes She unloaded her mother-in-law on to me. 婆婆妈妈的男人和女人她将婆婆的负担推给我。
Conclusion: A Chinese normal electrocardiographic QRS standard established according to different ages and sexes may be applied clinically. 结论:根据年龄和性别建立的中国人正常心电图QRS标准可供临床应用。
The BMI is the same for both sexes and for all ages of adults. BMI对男女两性和所有年龄的成人都是一样的。
In protogyny and protandry there may be overlap in function between the sexes allowing for self-pollination if cross-pollination fails. 在雌蕊先熟和雄蕊先熟植物中,有性生殖的功能可能重叠,如果异花受粉失败后,就允许自花受粉。
Both sexes in the language difference, in fact have in all languages. 两性在语言上的差异,实际上在所有语言中都有。
Britain's dilemma is not unique: all countries have prostitutes of varying sexes and nationalities. 英国不是唯一面临这一两难境地的国家:各个国家都有不同性别和国籍的性工作者。
Essential differences between the sexes should, he thought, be accepted and celebrated. 他认为,性别之间的本质区别应被接受和尊重。
Of or relating to both sexes. 两性的两性的或与两性有关的。
Conversely, increased androgen steroids ( e.g.testosterone) generally have a positive correlation with libido in both sexes. [citationneeded]相反,雄激素(如睾丸素)在两性中普遍都与力比多有确定的关联。
Feminists often argue that marriage reinforces the inequality between the sexes. 女权主义者常认婚姻加深了性别间的不平等。
It reflects deep-rooted inequality between the sexes, and constitutes an extreme form of discrimination against women. 它反映了在性别上存在的根深蒂固不平等现象,并且造成了针对妇女的极端歧视。
The gaps between rich and poor, between one population group and another, between ages and between the sexes, are widening. 富人和穷人之间的差距、一个人口群体和另一个群体之间、年龄和性别之间的差距都正在扩大。
Equality between the sexes: how would do the law for it? 男女平等,法律能为你做什么?
Social Love Stories; Contemporary Female Vlriters; Love Is Supreme; Feminism; Relation Between Both Sexes; 社会情爱小说、当代女性作家、爱情至上、女性主义、两性关系;