同space shuttle A shuttle is the same as a space shuttle .
N-COUNT 往来于两地之间的航班(或班车、火车) A shuttle is a plane, bus, or train which makes frequent journeys between two places.
...the BA shuttle to Glasgow. 飞往格拉斯哥的英国航空公司的航班
...shuttle flights between London and Manchester. 往返于伦敦和曼彻斯特的航班
V-ERG (使)频繁往来于(两地之间) If someone or something shuttles or is shuttled from one place to another place, they frequently go from one place to the other.
He and colleagues have shuttled back and forth between the three capitals... 他和同事们在这3个首都之间往来穿梭。
Machine parts were also being shuttled across the border without authorisation. 机器零部件也在未经批准的情况下出入边境。
(织布用的)梭 A shuttle is a piece of equipment used in weaving. It takes a thread backwards and forwards over the other threads in order to make a piece of cloth.
The countdown has begun for the launch later today of the American space shuttle 美国航天飞机的发射已于今天晚些时候开始进入倒计时。
A courtesy shuttle bus operates between the hotel and the town. 有免费班车往返于酒店和市区。
The mission for the crew of the space shuttle Endeavour is essentially over “奋进号”航天飞机上全体机组人员的任务基本上已经完成了。
The space shuttle Atlantis is scheduled to dock with Russia's Mir space station 亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机计划与俄国和平号空间站对接。
The satellite acts as a drag on the shuttle 卫星成了航天飞机的累赘。
The space shuttle Atlantis returned safely to earth today. “ 亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机今天安全返回地球。
A hydrogen leak forced NASA to ground the space shuttle. 氢气泄漏迫使美国国家航空航天局停止了航天飞机的发射。
The shuttle programme has now been mothballed to save money. 为节省资金,航天飞行计划已被束之高阁。
The crew of the US space shuttle Atlantis were preparing to reel in the craft. 美国“亚特兰蒂斯”号航天飞机上的宇航员正准备收回该航天器。
A shuttle bus runs frequently between the Inn and the Country Club. 一辆区间公交车频繁地往返于这家旅馆和那个乡村俱乐部。
The space shuttle had been scheduled to blast off at 04:38 航天飞机已经预定于凌晨4点38分发射升空。
He and colleagues have shuttled back and forth between the three capitals 他和同事们在这3个首都之间往来穿梭。
Machine parts were also being shuttled across the border without authorisation. 机器零部件也在未经批准的情况下出入边境。
UN mediators are conducting shuttle diplomacy between the two sides. 联合国调解员在双方之间进行穿梭外交。
Light and shade come in swift alternation; Days and months flash by as quickly as a weaver's shuttle.; Light travels like an arrow, and time like a shuttle. 光阴似箭,日月如梭。
The shuttle often got stuck, causing a lot of broken ends. 梭子常常卡住,造成大量断头。
The space shuttle undertook a topsecret mission with a military payload under Pentagon control. 航天飞机执行一项绝密使命,使军用酬载由五角大楼控制。
Clouds and rain in Florida forced NASA to land the shuttle at a backup landing site. 弗罗里达连日的阴雨连绵不得不让国家航空和宇宙航行局启用这个备用降落场。
The shuttle flies back and forth on the loom. 织布机上梭子来回地飞动。
At present kingbibo Dangyang cruise ship in the water shuttle, winding shore promenade, pavilions cuola, shore weeping willow yiyi, swaying scene. 目前景区内水面碧波荡漾游船穿梭,近岸长廊蜿蜒曲折,亭台错落,岸边垂柳依依,摇曳多姿。
The shuttle exploded soon after its launching. 航天飞机发射后不久就爆炸了。
The shuttle buses departed empty. 班车空着开走了。
And in 1994 and 2000, NASA successfully orbited radar systems on the space shuttle. 1994年和2000年,国家航空航天局利用航天飞机成功地将该雷达系统送入了轨道。
The space shuttle will link up with the space station this afternoon. 航天飞机将于今天下午和太空站对接。
There's a shuttle service between the airport and the train station. 在机场和火车站之间,有往返运输服务。
The space shuttle landed uneventfully. 航天飞机太平无事地着陆了。
The Space Shuttle Endeavour returned to Earth last month. 奋进号航天飞机上个月返回了地球。
And the same day, I invented the space shuttle and microwave popcorn. 接着我在同一天发明了太空飞船和微波炉爆米花。
I invented the space shuttle and microwave popcorn. 我发明了航天飞机和微波炉爆米花。