同space shuttle A shuttle is the same as a space shuttle .
N-COUNT 往来于两地之间的航班(或班车、火车) A shuttle is a plane, bus, or train which makes frequent journeys between two places.
...the BA shuttle to Glasgow. 飞往格拉斯哥的英国航空公司的航班
...shuttle flights between London and Manchester. 往返于伦敦和曼彻斯特的航班
V-ERG (使)频繁往来于(两地之间) If someone or something shuttles or is shuttled from one place to another place, they frequently go from one place to the other.
He and colleagues have shuttled back and forth between the three capitals... 他和同事们在这3个首都之间往来穿梭。
Machine parts were also being shuttled across the border without authorisation. 机器零部件也在未经批准的情况下出入边境。
(织布用的)梭 A shuttle is a piece of equipment used in weaving. It takes a thread backwards and forwards over the other threads in order to make a piece of cloth.
Yes, that Rockefeller Center, with the Christmas tree, ice rink, tourist hordes, and thousands of harried New Yorkers shuttling back and forth to their offices. 没错,就是那个洛克菲勒中心,那个有圣诞树、溜冰场、成群游客和成千上万往返于上班地点的纽约客的洛克菲勒中心。
Mitchell's schedule on Monday included shuttling to the West Bank town of Ramallah for a meeting with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. 米切尔星期一的计划包括,前往约旦河西岸城镇拉马拉,同巴勒斯坦总统阿巴斯举行会谈。
That matters because a battery works by shuttling ions between its anode and its cathode. 这一点很关键,因为电池就是通过穿梭于它的阴极和阳极之间的离子来工作的。
Many spend their days in what seems like a constant whirl, trying to hold up their end at work while keeping house and shuttling active kids to music lessons and sports events. 很多人都像陀螺一样没日没夜地不停转,做好了本职工作,还要打理家事,然后还得车接车送自己那些精力充沛的孩子去学音乐、做运动。
Both Democrats and Republicans have begun attacking the practice of "social promotion"& shuttling bad students to the next grade, advancing them with peers even if they are failing. 民主党和共和党已经开始抨击“自动升级”的做法&按照这种做法,就算差生考试不及格,他们照样可以和其他同学一起进入下一年级。
Those who spend a long time on trains or stuck in cars shuttling to the office are up to 40 percent more likely to split from their spouse. 那些要花很长时间乘车或驾车上下班的人和配偶离婚的可能性比其他人要高出40%。
Even when kids are physically active, they are watched closely by adults, either in school, at home, at afternoon activities or in the car, shuttling them from place to place. 即使在孩子们活动的时候,他们也会受到成年人的密切关注,无论是在学校、在家、午后出门活动时,或者是在车中从甲地移动到乙地时。
We were shuttling our box of seeds back and forth from our rented greenhouse space to our house, she said the other day. And I tripped and they fell all over the place. 当时,我们正从租用的温室里来来回回往家搬运一箱箱的种子,她那天说了起来,然后我绊了一跤,把那些种子撒得满地都是。
With the formal approval of Zhongshan customs, the simplified trans-customs mode will be implemented into the empty boxes shuttling between Zhongshan ports and Shekou Container Terminals as from june1st. 经中山海关批准,从2004年6月1日起,往来于中山港与蛇口集装箱码头之间的空箱将实行更为简化的“空箱转关”模式。
These low speed vehicles are very close to each other, shuttling, going around or backing a car may cause friction or collision, especially at night. 这些低速行驶的车辆与其它车辆非常接近,在停车场穿行、掉头或倒车时碰撞和拖挂的事故时有发生,在夜间时则更显突出。
I was a real hand of the party, shuttling between the various forums, search the software I need and my problems. 我是个不折不扣的伸手党,穿梭于各个论坛之间,搜寻我需要的软件和我遇到的问题。
Globalisation created vulnerabilities that were not understood most notably in the syndication of debt, but also in global supply chains, which worked as transmission belts in reverse, shuttling the impact of the downturn back up the chain. 全球化导致了我们无法理解的脆弱性最明显的是在债务辛迪加方面,同时还有全球供应链方面。后者在发挥逆向传动带的作用,将经济低迷的影响重新传回至链条上。
Trucks and cars were shuttling to and fro on the highways. 公路上卡车和汽车正来往奔驰穿梭。
He spends half his time shuttling back and forth between New York and chicago. 他花一半的时间往返于纽约和芝加哥之间。
He wrote prolifically both in Ireland and england, nearly constantly shuttling from one to the other. 他几乎不断穿梭于爱尔兰和英国之间,并在两地写出大量作品。
Parents of school-aged children often complain of their hectic days and evening, shuttling their kids to organized sports, after-school clubs, summer camps and countless other events. 学龄儿童的家长们经常抱怨他们日夜忙碌,整天忙于接送孩子们参加有组织的体育活动、课外俱乐部、夏令营以及其他没完没了的事情。
In his bid to keep both sides at the table, the U.S.official is shuttling between Jerusalem and the West Bank. 为了使双方保持对话,这位美国官员一直在耶路撒冷和西岸之间穿梭。
"We found a large number of proteins that were involved in shuttling the virus around the cell," Elledge said. “我们发现了很多在病毒侵染细胞过程中起作用的蛋白”,Elledge说。
When you look up into the sky at night, have you ever imagined shuttling in the universe? 每当夜晚仰望星空的时候,你是否曾幻想自己遨游太空?
Court hearings started Thursday. Meanwhile, she's shuttling back and forth between her daughter's and her sister's, she told NTV. 听证会在周四开始。她对俄罗斯独立电视台说,同时,她正往返于女儿和妹妹的家中。
The fabrics shuttling among the vapor in the roller make a scene of light and shadow. 在滚筒与水汽构建的环境中穿梭,光影间呈现的是面料的轮廓。
It was adapting more quickly than its peers as manufacturing moved to Asia, and people like Brian were merrily shuttling from job to job in search of a better life. 与其它国家相比,美国更快地适应了制造业向亚洲的转移,布赖恩这样的工人愉快地换了一个又一个工作,寻求改善生活的机会。
However, he is currently shuttling between France and the US. 但吉奥康帝现在要在法国和美国之间两头跑。
We sing hand in hand, shuttling the darkness before dawn to embrace the light of sunrise. 我们手牵着手唱着歌,穿梭在黎明前的黑暗里,只愿一起拥抱着日出的光芒。
Delegates to the talks supported this view, saying the Chinese had taken the draft agreement forged in Berlin and worked it into a joint statement, shuttling be-tween the numerous bilateral meetings to hone the deal. 参加谈判的各方代表也认同这一观点。他们表示,中方采用柏林会谈形成的草案协议,将其发展为联合声明,并穿梭于众多双边会议之间,以推动协议的达成。
Here, you can devote yourself into the entertaining games and theme parties, shuttling into the world of cowboys in Western America. 体现美国式风情的现场乐队演出、轻松的自娱游戏节目及各式主题派对,带您进入美国西部牛仔世界。
And it is hard to see roads offering an alternative means of shuttling millions of commuters in and out of built-up large cities, a niche that trains dominate. 公路不能为高楼林立的大城市每天进进出出的数百万人们提供一个更可行的交通方式,这一点,铁路也更有优势。
This is usually done by rounding down decimal places and shuttling the tiny remainder to a ghost account. 通常是舍去小数点后面的数取整数而实现的,把舍下的小数放入一个幽灵账号。