If Italy left the euro, Japan would still buy Sicilian tuna if Sicilian tuna was the best. 就算意大利脱离欧元区,只要西西里岛的金枪鱼是最好的,日本人还是会买。
These Europeans are proud of being Maltese and Sicilian. 这些欧洲人以自己身为马耳他人和西西里岛人倍感自豪。
We, we heard about this wonderful little Sicilian restaurant. 我们,我们听到了这个美好的小西西里餐厅。
I don't want to insult anyone by drawing too much of a comparison between myself and the long-suffering Sicilian people. 我不想把自己和长期受苦的西西里人民拿来比较而侮辱任何人。
It is an active volcano watch out! where many brave souls visit the top to get a glimpse of the churning, red hot lava and the panoramic views of the Sicilian islands below. 埃特纳火山是一座活火山(要小心哦),那里还有很多勇敢的人爬到顶峰去看火山的翻腾和炽热的熔岩,下面西西里岛屿的全景一览无余。
The door was opened by a swarthy foreign-looking maid, with a prominent bosom under a gay neckerchief, whom he vaguely fancied to be Sicilian. 一位黑黝黝的异国面孔的女佣开了门。她胸部高高隆起,戴着花哨的围巾,他隐隐约约觉得她是个西西里人。
The rest of the floor was hired by a very rich gentleman who was supposed to be a Sicilian or Maltese; 这层楼上其它的房间都被一位非常有钱的绅士租去了,他大概是一个西西里人或马耳他人;
It was Tom Hagen who had to make all the arrangements for michael's leaving the country, his false passport, his seaman's card, his berth on an Italian freighter that would dock in a Sicilian port. 黑根必须为迈克尔离开美国作好一切安排,给他办假护照,海员证,还给他预定了要在西西里港口停泊的意大利货轮的卧铺。
The deadly Sicilian shotgun was the favorite weapon of the Mafia. 这种杀伤力很大的西西里土制滑膛枪,是黑帮喜爱的武器。
And no Sicilian ever lets a chance like that go by. 所以没有一个西西里人会让那个机会溜走的。
There is a Sicilian family whose father, a superstitious tyrant, deprives his daughter even of the right to love. 在一个西西里岛的家庭中,父亲是一个迷信而专制的人,他剥夺了自己女儿爱的权利。
Sollozzo began speaking to Michael in rapid sicilian. 索洛佐开始用西西里方言对迈克尔说话。
The Sicilian sun, early-morning lemon-colored, filled Michael's bedroom. 清晨柠檬色的阳光充满了迈克尔的卧室。
He spoke naturally, in Sicilian dialect. 他说话的神态自然,说的是西西里方言。
He didn't speak a word of Japanese and he was always shrieking and cursing in Sicilian. 他没有说一个日本语的字,而且他总是用西西里语尖叫和诅咒。
At a house near palermo, police seized Salvatore lo piccolo, the most senior Sicilian Mafia boss still at large. 在巴勒莫附近的一间房子里,警察抓住了在逃的西西里黑手党最大的头头萨尔瓦托雷洛皮科洛。
Sicilian life revolves around good food. 美食是西西里岛人生活的重要内容。
A crime syndicate in the United States; organized in families; believed to have important relations to the Sicilian Mafia. 美国的一个罪犯辛迪加;以家庭的方式组织起来;被认为与西西里岛的黑手党有重要联系。
Although they have a rich culture and history, Sicilian people lead a simple life. 虽然西西里岛有着丰厚的历史文化,但那里的人却过着简朴的生活。
Michael stubbed out his cigarette and put on work pants, work shirt and the peaked cap most Sicilian men wore. 迈克尔掐灭了香烟头,穿上了工作裤,工作衫,戴上了大多数西西里男子常戴的那种鸭嘴帽。
Because they know that by tradition no Sicilian can refuse a request on his daughter's wedding day. 因为他们知道,按照传统,没有西西里岛人可以在他女儿婚礼的日子里拒绝请求。
The president of the bank, though not sicilian, was a man of tender sensibilities. 这位银行行长虽不是西西里人,但也是一个很懂感情的人。
My father was the world heavyweight champion of Sicilian liars. 我父亲是西西里骗子中的世界冠军。
Alcibiades the disastrous Sicilian expedition and later ended his life as a defector going to Sparta. 即是一手策划灾难性,Alcibiades,was,the,man,who,engineered,西西里岛远征的背后推手,最终,他成了一位叛逃者,改而效忠斯巴达。
Or his Sicilian messenger boy Johnny ola. 或是他的西西里人信差,强尼欧拉。
I know Michael can't, but you're not Sicilian, you can tell a woman the truth, you can treat her like an equal, a fellow human being. 我知道迈克尔办不到,但是你并不是西西里人,你可以对女人说实话,你可以平等地对待女人,把女人间样当作人看待。
As another Sicilian saying goes," A table without bread is like a day without sunshine. " 另有一则西西里谚语是这样的:“饭桌上少了面包就象一天中少了太阳。”
The Sicilian dialect of Italian 意大利语中的西西里方言
Troops comprised of Sicilian Muslims fighting for their city, equipped with bows and light armour. 穆斯林弓箭兵来自西西里的穆斯林社区,应徵入伍保卫城市,装备复合弓和轻甲。