She was a simpering, but masculine creature. The first woman came from a man; and man is born of woman. But everything comes from God. 她是那么一个扭扭捏捏、男不男女不女的家伙,男人不是为女人造的,女人乃是为男人造的。
He saw the weak and sickly faces of the girls of the factories, and the simpering, boisterous girls from the south of Market. 他看见工厂女工们菜色的衰弱的脸,市场南面的妇女们痴笑的喧嚣的脸。
Christina Ricci is very good as the sometimes simpering Selby, who is also a passive aggressive who consciously or unconsciously manipulates Lee, fascinated by her work and lifestyle. 姬丝汀娜莉芝饰演时而傻笑的茜比十分出色,她被动式的进取,有意或无意地控制著艾琳,她被艾琳的工作与生活方式所吸引。