If metrics do help a manager uncover an issue, singling someone out is likely to cause more problems than it solves. 如果制度确实能够帮助一个管理员去发现一个问题,那么将某人踢出局可能会产生更多的问题。
This is not about singling out individual nations& it's about the responsibilities of all nations. 此事并非针对个别国家,而是涉及到所有国家的责任。
She was very wrong in singling me out as she did; I can safely say, that every advance to intimacy began on her side. 只怪她当初不该对我另眼看待;我可以问心无愧地说,我和她交情都是由她主动一步一步进展起来的。
Obesity expert Dr Sarah Jackson said that the law should protect against weight discrimination, in the same way at it prohibits singling out people based on their age, gender or race. 肥胖专家莎拉•杰克逊博士表示,法律应当禁止肥胖歧视,正如法律禁止年龄、性别及种族歧视一样。
And that of course, was the next move, singling out one newspaper and one editor among many for trial. 当然,下一步就要从众多刊登过谣言的报纸中挑出一个报社和一个编辑进行审判。
Of course, this doesn, t make the employee conditions any more justifiable, but singling out Apple as a direct cause of suicides is just dumb. 当然,这并不能使员工的条件更好,但是把自杀的直接原因强加给苹果公司是愚蠢的。
I am pleased to have exceptionally intimate relations with the Federal Reserve, he said, singling out Ben, Don and Tim for his warmest regards. 特里谢称,我很高兴与美联储拥有极其密切的联系,并特意对本、科恩和蒂姆致以最热烈的敬意。
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We're not singling out particular languages for such support. 我们并没有为了这种支持而选择语言。
Bush hasn't taken a formal position on the bill, but he has threatened to veto past congressional proposals singling out oil companies for higher taxes or allowing price-fixing lawsuits against OPEC. 布什没有正式表示对该议案的立场,但他已经表示要否决过去的一些提出对石油公司课以重税或允许对欧佩克提起限价诉讼的国会议案。
Mr Medvedev seems inclined to a minimalist approach: singling out sectors such as the nuclear industry, information technology, health and aerospace for a surge in state-inspired spending. 梅德韦杰夫似乎倾向于极简主义的做法:挑选出诸如核工业、信息技术、卫生和太空等行业,由政府引导进行大举投资。
However, France was hoping to be able to win backing for a list that would identify imbalances concerning most countries and avoid singling out individual economies, said senior officials. 不过,一些高级官员表示,法国希望能在指标问题上赢得支持这套指标将用来衡量大多数国家的失衡状况,避免专门针对个别经济体。
Perhaps, though, I am being unfair in singling out Mr Sarkozy. 不过,我单单把萨科齐挑出来或许有些不公平。
If Poll feels that Terry needs singling out for punishment, then Chelsea and Terry need to sort it out with him in a calm way because it's not going to do anyone any good in the long run. 如果波尔认为特里应该受到惩罚,切尔西和特里都这样平静的面对此事,在赛季长跑中这对任何人都没有任何好处。
If that is the case, Beijing might be reluctant to add insult to injury by singling out GE, Siemens or BASF for reprisals. Such a move could be counter-productive. 若果真如此,北京方面或许不会愿意挑出通用电气、西门子或巴斯夫进行报复,从而使事态雪上加霜。这样的举措会产生事与愿违的效果。
China's splash in the arcane world of submersibles comes after years of singling out major industries and technologies for rapid development. 中国在这些年重要工业和技术快速发展后,在深潜领域也取得了一定成果。
Obama said, singling out Georgia, where tensions remain high after last year's war. 他特别提到了格鲁吉亚,在去年的战争结束后,那里的局势依然紧张。
When it comes to singling out those who have made a difference in all our lives, you cannot overlook Henry Ford. 如果要挑选出那些对我们所有人的生活都产生过影响的人物来,就不能忽略亨利。
The crisis was a'peak time'for acquisitions, he added, singling out banks, real estate and construction firms as particularly vulnerable. 他补充说,这场危机是并购的“高峰时段”,银行、房地产公司和建筑企业最易成为猎物。
They're not singling him out. 他们没有特别地针对他。
Mr Kwon argues that in Korea "power is concentrated in too few hands", singling out Samsung, Hyundai Motor, Hyundai Group, LG, SK and Doosan as the main offenders. 权吴升认为,韩国的“权力集中在极少数人手中”,并将三星、现代汽车、现代集团(hyundaigroup)、lg、sk和斗山(doosan)列为罪魁祸首。
Aye Tha Aung, a prominent Arakanese politician in Rangoon, said that the EC is obviously singling out pro-junta parties like the RSNFM for approval. 在仰光著名的若开邦政治家埃塔昂说,联邦选举委员会显然是挑选审批类似‘若开邦民族力量’这样亲军政府的政党。
As for the evaluation responsibility, the article prefers to including it into the verification responsibility, and so there is no need singling it out as a audit function. 至于责任评价,本文认为其既已包含在责任鉴证之中,因而没有必要将其单独作为审计的一个职能。
While not singling out Japan, officials said that the final communique of the G20 meeting, hammered out on Saturday in Moscow, contained tough language. 官员们表示,上周六晚在莫斯科敲定的g20财长会议公报在没有点名批评日本的情况下,含有一些尖锐措辞。
The three banks are regarded as among the best-managed and cleanest in the country, so by singling them out the auditor appears to be sending a signal to the rest of the industry that such lapses will not be tolerated. 在人们看来,这3家银行位居中国管理最完善、最干净的银行之列,因此,国家审计署挑选它们,目的似乎是向业内其它银行发出信号:这些过失是不会被容忍的。
Mr Strauss-Kahn said the IMF could avoid singling out individual countries for blame. 斯特劳斯-卡恩表示,IMF会避免单独指责某个国家。
However, human factors that singling out the campus living environment is lacking in systematic research. 但是单独针对校园居住环境人性化因素的探讨却缺乏系统研究。
The problem, of course, comes with singling out a job that you'll enjoy. 当然问题就落在了要如何选出那一份你将喜欢的工作上。
Objective: To understand the medical support capacity of military surgeon in field medical station and provide effective reference for singling out talents and quality education. 目的:了解野战医疗所军医卫勤保障能力现状,为野战医疗所的人才选拔、素质教育等提供依据。