VERB 割破;在…上留下深长的切口 If you slash something, you make a long, deep cut in it.
He came within two minutes of bleeding to death after slashing his wrists. 若再晚两分钟割腕的他就会因失血过多而死。
Slash is also a noun.
Make deep slashes in the meat and push in the spice paste. 在肉上切出深深的口子,再把辣酱塞进切口中。
VERB 挥砍;劈 If you slash at a person or thing, you quickly hit at them with something such as a knife.
He slashed at her, aiming carefully. 他仔细地瞄准她劈了过去。
VERB 大量削减 To slash something such as costs or jobs means to reduce them by a large amount.
Car makers could be forced to slash prices after being accused of overcharging yesterday... 昨天被指控要价太高之后,汽车生产商可能会被迫大幅度降价。
Everyone agrees that subsidies have to be slashed. 所有人都同意必须大幅度削减补贴。
斜线号 You say slash to refer to a sloping line that separates letters, words, or numbers. For example, if you are giving the number 340/2/K you say 'Three four zero, slash two, slash K.'
He paints with harsh, slashing brushstrokes. 他的画笔锋粗犷、凌厉。
The President has chosen to kick-start the economy by slashing interest rates. 总统选择通过大幅降低利率来重新拉动经济增长。
He came within two minutes of bleeding to death after slashing his wrists. 若再晚两分钟割腕的他就会因失血过多而死。
When it's apparent that we've underestimated project complexity, slashing test time is a very poor decision. 当我们发现我们低估了项目的复杂性的时候,缩短测试时间是一个糟糕的决定。
Rather than slashing jobs, the government is adding more. 政府不但没有大幅度削减职位,反而增加了更多。
The disagreement happened in spite of staff economists slashing their forecasts for growth and inflation in the currency area. 尽管在欧洲央行任职的经济学家大幅调降了欧元区的增长和通胀预期,但政策制定者中间仍然出现了分歧。
They cannot easily adjust by slashing public services and reducing the population. 它们无法轻易地通过砍掉公共服务和减少人口来进行调整。
They focus merely on tax cuts and slashing red tape. 他们只着眼于在减税和简化官方繁文缛节。
Australian mining companies are slashing spending as the country's economic outlook dims. 随着本国经济前景变暗,澳大利亚矿业公司纷纷开始削减开支。
Could Italy survive by slashing spending? 意大利能通过大幅削减开支维持下去吗?
The banks have committed themselves to boosting profits by slashing costs. 银行承诺他们会通过削减成本来提升盈利。
Ecuador and Qatar also supported slashing production. 厄瓜多尔和卡塔尔也支持减产。
It was designed for both piercing and slashing, combining the best of both the short and broad swords. 它的设计包容了砍和刺的功能,其中了短剑和宽剑的优点。
He was slashing her face and neck with a knife. 他在用刀猛砍她的脸部与脖子。
Slashing costs is not the main rationale for this deal, however. 不过,削减成本并不是这宗交易背后的主要动机。
It's not like deflation because of no demand and people slashing prices. 这与需求蒸发、人们大幅减价所导致的通缩不一样。
After cutting shifts and slashing costs at home, automakers still cannot afford complacency. 在削减本土产能和成本后,汽车制造商仍不能自满。
They're slashing my budget. 他们在削减我的预算。
Carmakers, accustomed to slashing production and prices in China, will be quick to adjust. 习惯于在中国减产和降价的汽车制造商们将迅速做出调整。
Most European nations are slashing defence spending. Many still have forces that are not deployable. 大多数欧洲国家都在削减国防开支,许多国家的军队仍然无法部署。
He's dressed for an evening of heavy petting and wrist slashing. 他为晚上的前戏和割腕已经打扮好了。
Unemployment is rising and governments are slashing healthcare and education budgets. 失业率正不断攀升,政府在大幅削减医保和教育预算。
Carmakers are slashing production to reduce big inventories. 汽车制造商在大量削减生产以降低库存。
Across the industry, studios have reduced costs drastically this year, cutting jobs and slashing marketing budgets. 在整个行业,各制片公司今年已急剧削减成本,裁减职位并大幅缩减营销预算。
While slashing costs, the company has been developing more attractive vehicles in hopes they will lift sales. 在削减成本的同时,该公司也在开发更多具有吸引力的车型,希望借此拉动销售。
For example, the 1986 Tax Reform Act broadened the revenue base while slashing marginal income tax rates. 譬如,1986年出台的《税务改革法案》在大幅降低边际所得税率的同时,扩大了税基。
Nanotechnology will offer doctors new ways to diagnose and treat patients, boosting efficiency and slashing costs. 纳米技术将为医生提供诊断和治疗病人的新途径,抬升效率降低成本。
Slashing too many calories, particularly protein calories, pushes the body to conserve calories rather than burn them. 你破坏了太多的热量,尤其是蛋白质热量,迫使身体保存这些热量而不是释放。
But from mid-2009 onwards, measures were taken to reduce the fiscal deficit by slashing expenditure and increasing revenues. 但从2009年年中开始,冰岛采取了一些措施,通过大幅削减开支、增加收入来降低财政赤字。