Zen Butter captures the essence of cold sesame noodles without their slickness. 禅宗黄油(ZenButter)充分捕捉到了冷芝麻面的精髓,但没那么滑。
Resembling glass in smoothness and shininess and slickness. 似玻璃般平滑的、光亮的、光滑的。
The slickness of the programmes became tedious. 这些节目的浅薄已令人生厌。
Sophistication and slickness, sons of irony, they can worm their way strategically among capital and political systems. 世故和圆滑是反讽的私生子,它可以成为游走于资本或者政治体制之中的一个策略。
Latex protection is essential, and can offer additional slickness. 乳胶保护是有必要,可以提供额外平滑。