N-COUNT 小困难;小问题;不利条件 A snag is a small problem or disadvantage.
A police clampdown on car thieves hit a snag when villains stole one of their cars... 警方打击偷车贼的行动遭遇了一点小挫折:匪徒偷走了一辆警车。
The school deals exclusively with children of high academic ability. There is a snag though, it costs £9,600 a year. 这所学校只招收学习能力强的孩子,不过还有个小问题——它每年的学费高达 9,600 英镑。
V-ERG (把)(尤指衣物)钩破;(使)绊住 If you snag part of your clothing on a sharp or rough object or if it snags, it gets caught on the object and tears.
She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground... 她脚后跟被一个树根绊了一下,踉踉跄跄地摔倒在地上。
Brambles snagged his suit... 荆棘把他的西服钩住了。
Local fishermen's nets kept snagging on underwater objects. 当地渔民的渔网老是被水下的东西钩住。
She snagged a heel on a root and tumbled to the ground 她脚后跟被一个树根绊了一下,踉踉跄跄地摔倒在地上。
Brambles snagged his suit 荆棘把他的西服钩住了。
Despite being a relatively new business, its smartphones have snagged 10% market share in China, second only to Samsung. 尽管这是个相对较新的业务,但其智能手机在中国的市场份额已达10%,仅次于三星公司(Samsung)。
But now it makes much more sense how she snagged a Grammy. 不过现在看来,她得格莱美奖是情理之中的事。
A young woman was driving home from work when she snagged her fender on the bumper of another car. 一天,有个年轻的女子,在下班开车回家的路上不小心与另外一辆车发生了碰撞,结果,她的车挡泥板被撞坏了。
She later appeared on billboards and then snagged a reality show with two actors posing as her boyfriend. 之后她登上了电视,在一档真人秀节目中找了两个人做她的男友。
Ma Xiaoguang, a spokesman from China's Taiwan Affairs Office, added that there were some 'new situations' in Taiwan that might have snagged cross-strait development. 国台办发言人马晓光还表示,台湾内部出现可能阻碍两岸系关发展的一些新情况。
By pursuing a deal in a depressed market, he snagged the maker of brakes and landing gear at a bargain price. 他抓住市场低迷的机会,推动公司以优惠价格收购了这家制动器与起落架制造商。
This hapless sheep has become a real life'ram-bo'after inadvertently abseiling down a hill when its horn became snagged on an electricity wire. 这只倒霉的绵羊因为它的角钩住了一根电线,又没加注意就一口气儿挂在上面滑下了山坡,它可真成了活羊版的“忆宝(ram-bo没有查到)”。
As the boat threatened to sink and they scrambled to get off, Sheryl's safety line snagged on something, trapping her there. 眼看游艇就要下沉,他们挣扎着想要下船,这时谢里尔的安全索被什么东西绊住了,她被困在了那里。
When the paper was sold, he snagged his first job at The Washington Post, in 1948. 当这份报纸在1948年售出后,他获得了在《华盛顿邮报》的第一份工作。
Just as I made the last turn, I snagged something. 就在我转最后一个弯时,我钩住了什么东西。
He first swam Rosie ashore safely before returning for his wife, whose safety line had snagged on the steering gear, McGregor added. 麦格雷戈补充说:他先抱着罗西游到岸边,确认它安全后才回到妻子身边。当时他妻子的保险绳被勾在了船舵上。
I snagged my sweater on the wire fence. 我的毛衣被铁丝网钩住了。
And see if the rat trap snagged us some din-din. 看看老鼠夹有没有夹到什么吃的。
By this week, most of those lucky enough to have snagged tickets home were already gone. 到这个星期为止,绝大部分人都买到了回家的站票。
That deal is snagged because the two sides cannot agree on what body would settle disputes. 双方无法就解决争端的机构达成一致,阻碍了协议的达成。
The negotiations have snagged on a dispute about who should chair them. 关于由谁来担任主席的争议妨碍了谈判的进展。
He hash't stopped boasting since he snagged that job. 他自从抢到了那份工作后,就不停地自吹自擂。
He recently snagged the exclusive rights to promote the Moscow Circus in North america. 最边他率先得到了莫斯科马戏团在北美的独家宣传权。
They'd have gone bust if they hadn't snagged that contract from their rivals. 如果他们没从对手那儿抢得那份合同,他们会破产的。
To avoid another broken connection, Bharti is tiptoeing carefully round South African sensitivities tussles over control of the combined group snagged talks last time round. 为避免关系再次破裂,bharti正小心翼翼地绕开南非的敏感问题围绕合并后集团控制权的争斗,是上次谈判触礁的原因所在。
He snagged his sweater on the wire fence. 他的毛衣在铁丝网上钩破了。
She snagged her dress on the comer of the table. 她的衣服在桌角上剐破了。
I snagged this one in the hallway, screaming. 我把这个尖叫的家伙在楼道里堵住了。
I snagged my best skirt on a bramble. 我最好的一条裙子被荆棘钩破了。