Todd is a four-time champion of the Tesoro Iron Dog, the world's longest snowmobile race. 托德曾四次荣获“泰索洛钢铁狗比赛”(TesoroIronDog)的冠军,这是世界上距离最长的雪地摩托车赛。
A husky dog or snowmobile safari, sleigh ride or take the plunge into an ice pool. 乘坐狗狗拉的雪橇或乘坐雪上汽车来一次旅行,还可以尝试一下冰潭中的冬泳!
It's a snowmobile, a loud, polluting conveyance that zips quickly over snow and ice. 那是一辆摩托雪橇,一种能飞速驶过冰雪地带但又吵人又造成污染的交通工具。
Maybe you have a new snowmobile and it's not quite winter yet, or a new bike and it's snowing 或许你有一台新雪橇车并且天也不太冷,或一辆新车并正在下雪
Kate, roared with delight, as William took the snowmobile controls. 威廉驾驶着雪地摩托,而凯特在他身后高兴得大叫起来。
Justin Hoyer practices, Friday, for the up coming Snowmobile Best Trick Finals during the14th annual Winter X Games in Aspen. 贾斯汀霍耶做法,星期五,为即将启动的最佳技巧决赛雪地车在第14届冬季极限运动会在阿斯彭。
Establishment of car detention standards ( trademark) a kind of snowmobile. 规定车辆停留时间标准一种雪上汽车的商标。
( trademark) a kind of snowmobile. 一种雪上汽车的商标。
Or rather, clinging on for dear life as he races around their ski resort on a snowmobile. 当威廉王子骑着雪地摩托在滑雪场上驰骋时,更多的时候她所感觉到的,是对这种甜蜜生活的依恋。
Handlebars: metal tube used to steer the snowmobile. 把手:金属管用来引导雪橇。
I'll bring the snowmobile back and get you both. 我会开摩托雪橇回来接你们俩。
Reflector: light-reflecting device on the back of the snowmobile. 反射:光反射装置在背部的雪橇。
After an exhilarating hour on my snowmobile, rushing over a postcard landscape of pristine snow, weaving between pine trees and atop frozen lakes, it seems entirely appropriate to stop and phone home. 我驾驶摩托雪橇急驰过风景如画、白雪皑皑的大地,穿梭于松林中和冰冻的湖面上。如此心旷神怡一个小时之后,看来该停下来歇歇并往家里打个电话了。