Effects of straw mulching and sodding culture on soil water use and variation in citrus orchard in dry season 覆被对桔园旱季土壤水分变化和利用的影响
Not that I have any intention in marrying Olivia sodding allred. 不是因为我想和奥利维亚结婚。
The whole sodding world revolves around Perfect Bloody Potter! 整个世界几块草皮围绕完善血腥哈利波特!
Straw mulching and sodding culture are two kinds of effective measures to solve the problem of the seasonal drought in red soil region. 稻草覆盖和自然覆被是解决红壤丘陵区季节性干旱的有效措施。
You took a sodding what? 你接了个什么?
Sodding by netting and concrete& mixed soil spraying on revetment is a new technique for the protection of rocky cut side slope. 挂网喷植混凝土护坡是石质路堑边坡防护和绿化新技术。