
英 [ˈsəʊlɪŋ] 美 [ˈsoʊlɪŋ]

v.  给(鞋)换底



  1. These shoes need soling and heeling.
  2. Match racing: One-on-one racing between two boats, a component of the programme for the Soling class at the Olympic Games.
  3. This paper's topic is under the modern teaching condition, what we should do to improve and enrich the teaching means of high-level language, and how to make students master the basic idea and get the ability of soling the application problems.
  4. In that little shop, he was forced to take his shoes for soling and heeling.
  5. At these times, a man's needs for feeling good are different from a woman's He feels better by soling problems while she feels better by talking about problems.
  6. The cut-off negative pressure method for soling filtration problems based on the theory of variational inequalities
  7. But new findings from the Stanford Uniersity School of Medicine bring scientists closer to soling the puzzle, identifying a molecule that appears to play a central role in relapses.
  8. Physical problem solving is one of the most important component parts middle school physics teaching. Training the students ability of analyzing and soling physical problems is one of the targets of middle school physics teachings.
  9. Except those for Artemia soling, the upper limits of salinity tolerance of both saline and freshwater zooplanktons in this region are higher than those reported by other authors.
  10. From these points of view, the paper addresses mainly on the feature and soling technique of the Inventory-Transportation Integrated Optimization ( ITIO) problem from different decision levels in the distributing logistics system.
  11. A way for solving the important and complicated problem of the inventory/ transportation integrated optimization in the modern logistics tactics plan was discussed, and a heuristic algorithm based on the method for soling the capacitated concentrator location problem and the tabu search algorithm was discussed.
  12. New overseas equipments used in production of polyurethane shoe soles, direct soling shoes and all-PU shoes are briefly reviewed.
  13. Thirdly, developing and improving exchange market, meaning to spread the operation of forward exchange settling and soling of banks, lengthen the dealing time of inter-bank exchange market, popularize agent operation.
  14. Study on Formula of Soling Resistance to Oil, Acid and Base
  15. The writer talks some studies teaching soling this problem by one's practice in the teaching.
  16. The numerical scheme is based on high accurate finite compact difference method. A high order accuracy compact difference method is presented for soling unsteady convection equation with source term.
  17. Based on the theory of frequency characteristic analysis of autocontrol system, the method and step of tandem connection correction were studied by using the tool of univariate soling in Excel.
  18. Boundary element method is more suitable than by other numerical method for soling the response function by using the odd dot treating with double dot single value method and Laplace transform for time.
  19. As the development of electrical wire and cable technology, the higher demand is required in the aspects of high electric conductivity, soling, corrosion-resisting, high strength etc. the traditional single material hardly meets the need of these demands.