All too often, they get a penguin in a sombrero. 通常情况下,他们也就能想出带帽子的企鹅这类问题。
A penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. 一只企鹅戴着墨西哥帽走进了那扇门。
I predict the interior alpinism will sell the car when things like handling won't. And only occasionally do you feel like you're wearing a novelty-size sombrero. 我预计,在车的操控性能这些东西无法促进销售的时候,这车的高超的内饰技术会成为它的卖点。你只偶尔会感觉自己戴着的是一顶尺寸小巧的宽边帽。
The very center of the Sombrero glows across the electromagnetic spectrum, and is thought to house a large black hole. 草帽的最中央发出的光芒遍布电磁光谱,人们认为其中存在一个大型黑洞。
On a gamble he raised his sombrero. 他胡乱地举帽致敬。
The Sombrero galaxy is located some 28 million light-years away. 草帽星系位于2800万光年以外。
Named the Sombrero Galaxy for its hat-like resemblance, M104 features a prominent dust lane and a bright halo of stars and globular clusters. 由于外形酷似草帽而得名的“草帽星系”编号为M104,它拥有显著的尘埃带,还有恒星和球状星团组成的明亮星系晕。