Either they find it too spookily precise, or as Stanford marketing professor Itamar Simonson has written they sense that, because it is so bespoke, it will not be a good deal. 要么是他们觉得定位过于精确,所以心生畏惧,要么就像斯坦福大学(Stanford)营销学教授伊塔马尔•西蒙森(ItamarSimonson)所写的那样,因为定制度太高,消费者感觉不划算。
Spookily, it is as if nothing has changed for six long years. 高盛似乎在长达6年的时间里没有什么变化,这令人不可思议。
The Shanghai Composite index, the main domestic share index, looks spookily as though it is re-running the six months that ended with the bursting of the first Shanghai bubble in October 2007. 中国内地主要股指上证综合指数看起来有些诡异,仿佛正在重演2007年10月上海股市首个泡沫破裂之前6个月的走势。
Though only nuances of the original choreography had been altered, I had never seen a ballerina look so spookily possessed by an evil spell. 虽然与原版的编舞有些细小的改动,可我未曾见过女芭蕾舞演员被魔王的符咒迷惑得如此惊恐万状。
And it's no problem for advertisers to magic up3-Dfootage of, say, a beer bottle that spookily seems to float towards you. 比如说,一个广告商很容易就能制作一个看起来正在向你浮动的啤酒皮。
Spookily, three days earlier, I had also fallen over while performing. 诡异的是,此前三天,我也在表演时摔倒了。
Spookily, the leader of the Conservative party had his bike stolen on the same day that my bag was taken. 诡异的是,在我遭遇窃包的同一天,这位保守党领袖的自行车也被盗了。