You can't simply wander around squatting on other people's property 你不能这样到处乱窜,擅自占用别人的地产。
They earn their living by squatting the land and sharecropping. 他们靠擅自占用土地,按种地的收益分成为生。
Squatting down, the two of them started to have a chat. 两人蹲下就聊起来了。
He advises patients who are having trouble with bowel movements to place something under their feet while seated on the toilet, as this helps to simulate the squatting position. 他建议排便有困难的患者坐在马桶上时,在脚下垫点儿东西,因为这样有助于模拟蹲着的姿势。
If you have little tykes, this means squatting down& but trust us, it's worth it. 如果你要拍小孩子,这就意味着你要蹲下来了但是相信我们,这是值得的。
The girl bade me sit down on the foot-stool in front of the stove, she herself squatting beside me, sizing me up. 这小姑娘把炉前的小凳子让我坐了,她自己就蹲在我旁边,不住地打量我。
Whatever, if you're not used to it, squatting can be really difficult. 无论如何吧,如果你不习惯用蹲厕,那么蹲下真的是个挺难的事儿。
The performance, also done by pairs of dancers, presents the skill of squatting jump and spinning. 其表演以双人对舞为主、跳蹲与旋转的技艺;
She was squatting on the floor of the classroom we were using as a makeshift clinic. 这是一所学校的教室,我们用作临时诊所。
Exercising by repeatedly assuming a squatting position; strengthens the leg muscles. 重复的站起蹲下;旨在加强腿部肌肉的练习。
While using a squatting pan, I will have to hold something to avoid falling down. 用蹲着的马桶上厕所我一般都需要抓住什么东西才不会跌倒。
When he is squatting, the average angle increases to132 degrees. 当他蹲着时,平均角度却增加到132度。
That looks like a squatting monkey. 好像是一只蹲着的猴子。
No money, squatting under a corner hit the glass marbles; 没钱的时候,墙角下蹲着打玻璃弹子;
In the trucks little yellow men in shabby greenish uniforms were squatting, jammed close together. 一群小个子黄种人,穿的是破烂不堪的绿军装,蹲在车上,挤成了一团。
Talk squatting down by children, communication hugging them, education holding their hands. 蹲下来讲话,抱起来交流,牵着手教育。
The tiger was left squatting below and glaring upwards. 老虎却只能眼睁睁地在树下蹲着。
The government is planning to tighten up legislation against squatting. 政府计划加强对擅自占用的立法。
Square columns surrounded on all sides dragon, column bases carved out of squatting lion. 坊柱四面盘龙环绕,柱础雕出蹲狮。
As I've mentioned, I'm squatting temporarily in a management job vacated by a beloved and longtime editor at TIME. 正如我前面提到现在我暂时“霸占”了一位长期受人们爱戴的《时代》编辑腾出的管理工作。
Once she had opened the door, she saw John squatting down, head in hands, crying, as she had expected. 她伸出手打开了门,看见约翰蹲在地上双手抱住头痛哭着。
The two of them were squatting on the dirty road, talking the way farmers do. 他俩在肮脏的路上席地而坐,像农民那样交谈着。
At the moment it is a bird squatting on the wire, there is no bird and its speech, and I think this is a disorder of the male. 此刻它正在一个鸟蹲在电线上,没有任何鸟和它讲话,我猜这该是一只错乱的雄鸟。
Work on the new offices has come to a halt because homeless families are squatting oil the site. 建新办公寓的工作只能停止,因为无家可归的家庭擒自占用了这地方。
Squatting next to a plastic tub, boys of school age pour mercury onto their bare hands. 这些学龄儿童蹲在塑料管旁边,将水银倒在裸露的手臂上。
It so happened that master had spotted a ragged vagabond squatting by the roadside and wanted to offer him some food and a pair of trousers. 原来师父看见路旁有一位流浪汉蹲着,衣服破烂,师父要送他食物和裤子。
View on Organized Pedagogy of Squatting Start in Dash Techniques 对短跑技术中蹲距式起跑组织教学法的研究
This old man is also blunt, squatting inside the seat being. 这老头也不客气,进屋蹲在了正座上。
After about two minutes of silently squatting on someone's lawn holding a pine cone, I realized the squirrel was dead. 就这样在别人家的草坪上拿个松果蹲了两分钟之后,我意识到那是只死松鼠。
I want to hear all about that squatting you did. 我要你告诉我上次闹“占居”是怎么回事。