The new stallholder had a good pitch on a street corner. 这位新的摊主在街角有个很好的摊位。
I set off for the nearby markets, swheresa stallholder wanted to know who gave me the flower, so I told him. 我向附近的市场走去,那儿的一个小贩想知道是谁送给我的花,我就告诉他了。
In Shanghai's Dagu Road meat and vegetable market, stallholder Zhang Weidong claimed foreigners were importing Chinese garlic for their own swine flu wars, exacerbating a shortage on the mainland. 在上海大沽路菜场,摊贩张卫东(音译)声称,外国人正从中国进口大蒜,用于预防甲流,这加剧了国内的紧缺状况。
One stallholder peddles Nazi memorabilia, but for the rest it's simply jumble that might sell for a euro or two, no different from the boxes of picture postcards or scratched vinyl records. 一个摊贩叫卖着纳粹大事记,但其他都只是些乱糟糟的东西,可能卖到一两欧元,和一盒盒风景明信片以及刮花的黑胶唱片没啥区别。