Stammering is probably an inherited defect. 口吃很可能是一种遗传性缺陷。
A stammering child can benefit from speech therapy. 口吃的孩子可以从言语矫治中获益。
For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people. 先知说,不然,主要借异邦人的嘴唇,和外邦人的舌头,对这百姓说话。
I shall never forget the surprise and delight I felt when I uttered my first connected sentence, "It is warm." True, they were broken and stammering syllables; but they were human speech. 富勒小姐总共给我上了十一堂课,我永远也忘不了开口说出第一句话时的惊讶和喜悦,那句话是天很暖和。当然,这句话说得结结巴巴,但它的确是人类的语言。
Paul is a homely, shy, stammering boy. 保罗是个相貌平平、腼腆、说话结巴的男孩。
Then I started my lecture, stammering; no one seemed to be listening. 接着,我结结巴巴地开始讲课,然而,似乎没有人在听。
Trial court judges make$ 136,700, less than the$ 160,000 ( before bonuses) a stammering associate in a top-shelf New York City law firm expects in his first year on the job. 初审法院法官收入是136700美元,纽约市最好的律师事务所的初级合伙人第一年的预期收入是160000美元(不含奖金)。
But God simply added the Holy Spirit to the stammering efforts of a surrendered heart, and a miracle resulted. 但是上帝的能力愿意加给全然降服的软弱的人,奇迹发生了。
One night a blushing, stammering young man of letters was introduced to him. 有一天晚上,人们介绍给他一个腼腆的、口吃的年轻文学家。
She was unprepared, stammering and unsure in her classes. 她毫无准备。说话结结巴巴,对讲授的课程没有把握。
People with this defective gene need two copies to develop the metabolic disorder, but one copy appears to be associated with stammering. 有两对这种缺陷基因的人会发展出代谢疾病,但如果只有一对,似乎就会造成口吃。
Scientists set up stammer library British scientists have set up an Internet-based Library of people stammering which they say will help research into the speech impediment. 英国科学家建立了一个关于口吃者的网络图书馆,并称这将有助于对“表达障碍”的研究。
His mind was stammering and his hands twitching. 他心里正觉得讷讷不能出口,他的双手在抽动。
Stammering is the native eloquence of us fog people. 至于结结巴巴,那是我们雾中人天生的口才。
He strove to speak, but caught his breath, stammering. 他拼命想开口讲话,可是期期艾艾地只打了一个寒噤。
He was stammering with fright. 他因害怕而口吃起来。
Practicing as quickly as possible also wipes out the habit of hesitating or stammering while thinking of the correct word to say. 最快速地操练还能消除你的一个坏习惯,那就是说话时因为要考虑正确的字词而犹豫或口吃。
The mind of the rash will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear. 4冒失人的心、必明白知识、结吧人的舌、必说话通快。
I just can't take the advice that I shouldn't be worried about stammering. 有人建议我不要担心口吃,但我就是听不进去。
[ NIV] The mind of the rash will know and understand, and the stammering tongue will be fluent and clear. 4[和合]冒失人的心,必明白知识;结巴人的舌,必说话通快。
The girls in his class used to make sport of his stammering. 他班上的那些女生过去常常拿他的口吃开玩笑。
Paul is a shy, stammering boy who flays hooky and keeps to his bedroom practising his guitar. 保罗是个腼腆而口吃的男孩子,时常逃学。躲在卧室里弹吉他。
Would I still be stammering out subject matter at students, year after year, with little concern about the vulnerable human beings behind the masks? 会不会仍然年复一年地结结巴巴地对学生讲文章主旨,而不去关心面具后脆弱的人?