How could I agree to that when she was stili there, allve, in front of me? 当她还在我面前活着的时候,我怎么能答应?
But he stili thinks he can cook. 居然还认为自己会作饭。
You stili haven't brought me the gun of rambo. 你还没给我蓝波枪。
State-owned economy layout and structure adjustment is stili behind relatively, the disposing efficiency of the whole social resource is placed in lower level. 国有经济布局和结构的调整进程仍然相对滞后,全社会资源配置效率还处于较低水平。
Presently, most of the research on processing of these materials is stili at an embryonic stage, and the emerged manufacturing techniques mainly are rapid solidification molten casting, powder metallurgy and spary deposition. 目前其工艺和材料研究在国际上尚处于初期阶段,已出现的制备方法主要有三类,即快速凝固熔铸、粉末冶金和雾化沉积。
The results showed that after stopping sewage irrigation for ten years, soil contamination induced by heavy metals was stili serious, though the Cd content in unpolished rice was lower than that of in 1976, and there was no effect on well water. 调查表明,停止污灌10年后,总明渠两侧土壤金属污染仍然严重,米中镉含量较1976年有所降低,污水明渠对其两侧水井影响不大。
Practices, however, show clear that although both of them have identical standards and patterns, sharp differences stili exist in the important aspects of time, limit, function, nature, objective method and so forth. 实践表明,二者虽然有相同的同义标准、体式等,但在辨析的时域、功用、性质、对象、方法诸多重要方面都有较大的差异。
Such thinking ways and measures stili have active enlightenment meaning for the present cadre construction system. 边区政府把干部管理纳入法制轨道的思路与举措,对我国现行干部制度建设具有积极的启示意义。
In accordance with the principle of advancing in an orderly way and step by step, the author has summed up his stage teaching experience of four classes and provided appropriate basis for improving teaching stili further. 在教学的过程中按照循序渐进的原则,对四个班进行了阶段教学经验的总结、归纳,为进一步提高教学质量,提供相应的依据。
The paper states the serious geological disasters happened in Wushan County, its geological conditions stili existing at present and some artificial geological environment problems concerning the town planning safety. 阐述了武山县曾发生过的严重的地质灾害,以及现今仍存在的与地质条件和人为活动有关的县城规划安全的环境地质问题。