VERB (站立或行走时)弓背,驼背 If you stoop, you stand or walk with your shoulders bent forwards.
She was taller than he was and stooped slightly. 她比他高,而且略微有些驼背。
Stoop is also a noun.
He was a tall, thin fellow with a slight stoop. 他是个瘦高个儿,有点驼背。
VERB 弯腰;俯身 If you stoop, you bend your body forwards and downwards.
He stooped to pick up the carrier bag of groceries... 他俯下身去提装着食品杂货的购物袋。
Two men in shirt sleeves stooped over the car... 两名穿衬衣的男子趴在那辆汽车上。
Stooping down, he picked up a big stone and hurled it. 他俯身捡起一块大石头扔了出去。
VERB 堕落(或卑鄙)到去做 If you say that a person stoops to doing something, you are criticizing them because they do something wrong or immoral that they would not normally do.
He had not, until recently, stooped to personal abuse... 他以前从未像最近这样卑鄙到进行人身攻击。
They've stooped to using any and every weapon at their disposal... 他们已经无耻到把能用的武器都用上了。
How could anyone stoop so low? 怎么会有人堕落到这种地步?
N-COUNT 门廊;门阶 A stoop is a small platform at the door of a building, with steps leading up to it.
They stood together on the stoop and rang the bell. 他们一起站在门廊上按响了门铃。
Stooping down, he picked up a big stone and hurled it. 他俯身捡起一块大石头扔了出去。
Jean Valjean cut the martingale which Javert had about his neck, then he cut the cords on his wrists, then, stooping down, he cut the cord on his feet; and, straightening himself up, he said to him 冉阿让把捆住沙威脖子的绳子割断,又割断他手腕上的绳子,再弯腰割断他脚上的绳子,然后站起来说
But Peter rose and ran to the tomb; stooping and looking in, he saw the linen cloths by themselves; and he went home marveling at what had happened. 彼得起来,跑到坟墓前,低头往里看,见细麻布独在一处,就回去了,心里希奇所成的事。
After a while, a solitary figure appeared on the path behind her, pausing and stooping occasionally, yet catching up quickly. 过了一会儿,一个孤单的身影出现在她身后的小道上,时而驻足,时而弯腰,可是又总能快速地跟上来。
Then stooping low she moves forward, gathering the corn with both hands against her knees, and pushing her left gloved hand under the bundle to meet the right on the other side, holding the corn in an embrace like that of a lover. 然后,她向前把腰弯下去,一双手把麦堆拢到膝盖跟前,戴着手套的左手从麦堆下面伸过去,同另一边的右手会合了,就像拥抱一个情人一样把麦子抱在怀里。
SO Roger Chillingworth-a deformed old figure, with a face that haunted men's memories longer than they liked-took leave of Hester Prynne, and went stooping away along the earth. 就这样,罗杰齐灵渥斯那个身材畸形的老人,他那张面孔会长时间地萦绕在人们的脑海,想忘都忘不掉离开了海丝特白兰,一路弯着腰走开了。
Whenever you find yourself stooping, say to yourself, Sit up straight now. Soon, the habit will become second nature. 只要看到弯腰曲背了,就跟自己说:马上坐直。不久,这个习惯就能成为你的第二天性了。
Replying with a snide remark means stooping to the bully's level, and the problem could escalate. 以卑鄙的话回答意味着把自己降低到恶棍的水准,可能导致问题激化。
This gave the dwarf an advantage because Edmund, being much taller, had to be always stooping. 这当然对小矮人有利,因为爱德蒙个子高得多,只好不时地蹲下身子进攻对手。
Stooping down to pick up the pen, he felt a sharp pain in his back. 弯下腰捡笔时,他感到背部剧痛。
There is nothing so likely to give it as standing and stooping in a hot sun; 站在大太阳底下.,一会儿直腰、一会儿弯腰地剪花,最容易让人头痛。
We look out the window and admire the elegance of ice-crystal, the bravely patient tree leaning leafless in the wind, the dramatic shadows of the stooping sun. 我们眺望着窗外,惊艳冰晶的素美,敬佩挺立风中的树木的勇敢,惊叹落日恢弘的壮丽。
I'm stooping to subterfuge for you guys. 我来捧你们的场。
WITH A SMILE that never left his lips, Nikolay sat bent a little forward on a low chair, and stooping close over his blonde beauty, he paid her mythological compliments. 尼古拉脸上挂着永不消逝的微笑,微微弯腰坐在扶手椅里,俯身挨近金发女人,对她讲一些神话般的恭维话。
His gaunt, slightly stooping figure. 他那骨瘦如柴、微微佝偻的身材。
Checks the great mother stooping to caress her. 妨碍伟大的母亲俯身爱抚。
Here stooping to your clemency. 在这里屈身于你的温和中。
Answered he, raising himself from his stooping posture. 他直起腰来回答说。
A little oldish misshapen stooping woman. 上了年纪的畸形驼背的小女人。
And for number, I am sure they were like autumn leaves, so that my back ached with stooping and my fingers with sorting them out. 至于钱币的数量,我能肯定多得像秋天的落叶,弄得我腰酸背疼,手指都因区分那些金币而磨痛了。
She filled on the port tack, and was off again, stooping and skimming like a swallow. 大船左舷的船帆鼓得很满,大船像只燕子一样俯身掠过水面,然后又动了起来。
Stooping, butting his head through the weeds and against the wind, Mike got around in front of me, all the time holding on to my arm. 蹲着,在杂草中顶着风,麦克转到我的前面。一直握着我的双臂。
Stooping to contemptible methods to realize their ambitions; 为实现他们的野心而卑屈到采取可鄙的手段;
Stooping again to come out at the low-arched door, they left it burning, and retraced their way to the court-yard; 他们让火堆燃烧,重新弯下身子从低矮的拱门走了出来,沿着原路回到了院子里。
He had taken it up, and was stooping to work again, when his eyes caught the skirt of her dress. 他拿起了刀,弯下腰要工作,眼睛却瞥见了她的裙子。
Drug-taking is a form of escapism for some people. stooping to contemptible methods to realize their ambitions; 对有些人来说,吸毒是一种逃避现实的手段.为实现他们的野心而卑屈到采取可鄙的手段;
AS-200 stackers feature elevated discharge, which frees operators from repetitive stooping and bending. 堆积机可提升卸载高度,可以让操作员从重复性的弯腰动作中解脱出来。
Still Franz and the coun were compelled to advance in a stooping posture, and were scarcely able to proceed abreast of one another. 但弗兰兹和伯爵依旧不得不弯着腰前进,而且仅能容两个人并排走。
A being resembling a man was walking amid the bell-glasses of the melon beds, rising, stooping, halting, with regular movements, as though he were dragging or spreading out something on the ground. 那人好象是个男子,他在瓜田里的玻璃罩子中间走来走去,走走停停,时而弯下腰去,继又立起再走,仿佛他在田里拖着或撒播着什么似的。
Kelly recalled through dreams the black alien stooping over her helpless, nude body like he was kissing her navel. 凯利通过梦回忆了她的黑色外来无奈,裸体像他弯身吻她的肚脐。