VERB (站立或行走时)弓背,驼背 If you stoop, you stand or walk with your shoulders bent forwards.
She was taller than he was and stooped slightly. 她比他高,而且略微有些驼背。
Stoop is also a noun.
He was a tall, thin fellow with a slight stoop. 他是个瘦高个儿,有点驼背。
VERB 弯腰;俯身 If you stoop, you bend your body forwards and downwards.
He stooped to pick up the carrier bag of groceries... 他俯下身去提装着食品杂货的购物袋。
Two men in shirt sleeves stooped over the car... 两名穿衬衣的男子趴在那辆汽车上。
Stooping down, he picked up a big stone and hurled it. 他俯身捡起一块大石头扔了出去。
VERB 堕落(或卑鄙)到去做 If you say that a person stoops to doing something, you are criticizing them because they do something wrong or immoral that they would not normally do.
He had not, until recently, stooped to personal abuse... 他以前从未像最近这样卑鄙到进行人身攻击。
They've stooped to using any and every weapon at their disposal... 他们已经无耻到把能用的武器都用上了。
How could anyone stoop so low? 怎么会有人堕落到这种地步?
N-COUNT 门廊;门阶 A stoop is a small platform at the door of a building, with steps leading up to it.
They stood together on the stoop and rang the bell. 他们一起站在门廊上按响了门铃。