VERB 巩固(地位);增强,加强(实力) If something strengthens a person or group or if they strengthen their position, they become more powerful and secure, or more likely to succeed.
...the new constitution, which strengthens the government and enables it to balance and check the powers of parliament and president... 巩固了政府的地位并使其能够制衡国会和总统权力的新宪法
To strengthen his position in Parliament, he held talks with leaders of the Peasant Party... 为巩固其在国会中的地位,他曾与农民党的领导人进行多次会谈。
He hoped to strengthen the position of the sciences in the leading universities. 他希望强化自然科学在一流大学里的地位。
VERB 支持,强化(论点或论据);使更有说服力 If something strengthens a case or argument, it supports it by providing more reasons or evidence for it.
He does not seem to be familiar with research which might have strengthened his own arguments. 他对那些本可以为他的观点提供佐证的研究似乎并不熟悉。
V-ERG (使)(经济、工业)坚挺,壮大;(使)(货币)升值 If a currency, economy, or industry strengthens, or if something strengthens it, it increases in value or becomes more successful.
The dollar strengthened against most other currencies... 美元相对大多数其他货币都升值了。
If the Government wants to save the Pound it should start by strengthening the British economy. 如果政府想让英镑保值,那么首先就应该加强英国的经济。
V-ERG 加强,加大(法律、措施)的力度;(使)变得更严格 If a government strengthens laws or measures or if they strengthen, they are made more severe.
I am also looking urgently at how we can strengthen the law... 我也在急切地关注我们该如何加强法制。
Community leaders want to strengthen controls at external frontiers... 社区领导想要加强对小区外围的管理。
Because of the war, security procedures have strengthened. 由于战争,安保程序变得更加严格。
VERB 增强(决心或毅力);使更具信心;使更加坚定 If something strengthens you or strengthens your resolve or character, it makes you more confident and determined.
Any experience can teach and strengthen you, but particularly the more difficult ones... 任何经历都能使你从中受益并让你变得坚强,而那些比较艰难的经历尤其如此。
This merely strengthens our resolve to win the league... 这只会更加坚定我们赢得联赛的决心。
She began to believe that Nick would survive, and every day that came and went strengthened her conviction. 她开始相信尼克会活下来,而且这种信念与日俱增。
V-ERG 增进(关系或联系);(使)变得更紧密 If something strengthens a relationship or link, or if a relationship or link strengthens, it makes it closer and more likely to last for a long time.
It will draw you closer together, and it will strengthen the bond of your relationship... 这将使你们走得更近,并将增进你们之间的关系。
His visit is intended to strengthen ties between the two countries... 他此次访问旨在增进两国间的关系。
In a strange way, his affair caused our relationship to strengthen. 奇怪的是,他的婚外恋倒使我们之间的关系更加紧密了。
V-ERG 加强,加深(印象、感情、信念);(使)变得比较深刻;(使)坚定 If something strengthens an impression, feeling, or belief, or if it strengthens, it becomes greater or affects more people.
His speech strengthens the impression he is the main power in the organization... 他的演讲让人更加确信他才是该组织的主心骨。
Every day of sunshine strengthens the feelings of optimism... 每天晒太阳让人心情更加开朗。
Amy's own Republican sympathies strengthened as the days passed. 埃米个人对共和党的支持与日俱增。
VERB 增强(体质);使强健 If something strengthens your body or a part of your body, it makes it healthier, often in such a way that you can move or carry heavier things.
Cycling is good exercise. It strengthens all the muscles of the body... 骑自行车是一项不错的锻炼方式。它能使身体各部分的肌肉更强健。
Yoga can be used to strengthen the immune system. 瑜伽能增强人体免疫系统。
VERB 加强,加固(物体或结构) If something strengthens an object or structure, it makes it able to be treated roughly or able to support heavy weights, without being damaged or destroyed.
The builders will have to strengthen the existing joists with additional timber. 施工人员将不得不另外用木料加固现有的托梁。
VERB (风、水流等)增大,增强 If the wind, current, or other force strengthens, it becomes faster or more powerful.
As it strengthened the wind was veering southerly... 风越刮越大,逐渐转为南风。
There was a short sharp shower followed by a strengthening breeze. 一场短时强阵雨后风势渐长。
Living together didn't harm our friendship. If anything it strengthened it 在一起住并没有损害我们的友谊。要说真有什么的话,它反而巩固了我们的友谊。
Next day the EU summit strengthened their ultimatum. 次日,欧盟峰会发出了更加强硬的最后通牒。
He does not seem to be familiar with research which might have strengthened his own arguments. 他对那些本可以为他的观点提供佐证的研究似乎并不熟悉。
The dollar strengthened against most other currencies 美元相对大多数其他货币都升值了。
Because of the war, security procedures have strengthened. 由于战争,安保程序变得更加严格。
She began to believe that Nick would survive, and every day that came and went strengthened her conviction. 她开始相信尼克会活下来,而且这种信念与日俱增。
Amy's own Republican sympathies strengthened as the days passed. 埃米个人对共和党的支持与日俱增。
As it strengthened the wind was veering southerly 风越刮越大,逐渐转为南风。
The friendship between the peoples of the two countries has been strengthened through various means. 通过各种途径增进两国人民之间的友谊。
Work with regard to ethnic groups, religions, and overseas Chinese was strengthened. 民族、宗教和侨务工作进一步加强。
The statement, in a manner, strengthened his position. 这项声明在一定程度上加强了他的地位。
We have strengthened and made innovations in social management and maintained social harmony and stability. 加强和创新社会管理,社会保持和谐稳定。
But the effort must be strengthened and extended. 但这项努力必须得到加强和延伸。
China has further strengthened its human resources development and educational cooperation with Africa. 中方进一步加强对非人力资源开发和教育合作。
The government's self-improvement efforts and administration need to be strengthened. 政府自身建设和管理需要加强。
They have basically strengthened and completed the framework system of the forestry standard. 基本健全和完善了林业标准框架体系。
The foundation of agriculture was consolidated and strengthened. 巩固和加强农业基础。
Poland accelerated privatisation, reformed its pension system and strengthened local government in 1998-2000. 1998年至2000年,波兰加速了私有化进程,改革了养老金制度并增强了地方政府的实力。
At the same time, it has strengthened China's friendship and win-win cooperation with other developing countries. 同时,也促进了中国与其他发展中国家的友好关系和互利互赢。
I strengthened my confidence in the clinic and learned the importance of professionalism in medicine. 我加强了我的对诊所的信心和学会了在医学职业化的重要性。
I have fought corruption at our ports and strengthened central government governance. 我对尼日利亚港口进行了反腐,并加强了中央政府的治理。
At the same time, supervision and guidance of this work should be strengthened. 同时,要加强管理和引导。
The trade union organization strengthened the solidarity of its members. 工会组织加强了会员之间的团结。
The central bank has strengthened controls on capital inflows. 央行加强了对资本流入的控制。
He and his able associates strengthened the Civil Service. 他和他能干的同事们加强了文官制度。
Case management, community education and strengthened surveillance are continuing. 正在继续进行病例管理、社区教育和强化监测。
Most importantly, preparedness for a pandemic has strengthened national and international capacities in fundamental ways. 最重要的是,防范大流行从根本上加强了国家和国际能力。
This latest development has further strengthened my determination to leave. 最近事态的发展更增强了我离开的决心。
Macroeconomic regulation was strengthened and improved. 整体经济调整得到加强和改进。
The government also strengthened the prevention and treatment of water pollution. 政府也加大了水污染防治和处理。