ADJ (策略、方法)强硬的,铁拳的,使用暴力强制的,横施淫威的 If you refer to someone's behaviour as strong-arm tactics or methods, you disapprove of it because it consists of using threats or force in order to achieve something.
The money has been recovered without resorting to verbal abuse or strong-arm tactics... 没有恶语相向也没有大动干戈就把这笔钱要回来了。
The paper is openly critical of the strong-arm president. 该报纸对这位铁腕总统进行公开的批评。
The money has been recovered without resorting to verbal abuse or strong-arm tactics 没有恶语相向也没有大动干戈就把这笔钱要回来了。
The paper is openly critical of the strong-arm president. 该报纸对这位铁腕总统进行公开的批评。
But if America can strong-arm companies into handing over data, so can China. 既然美国能强制美国的公司提交数据,中国自然也可以。
The dW Java team loves Sing, and I'm routinely reminded by them that I should strong-arm him into writing again. dWJava团队都很喜欢Sing,他们经常提醒我应该把他找回来写文章。
It feels it can strong-arm foreign energy companies, and object anew to things which Russia seemed to have accepted, like America's missile-defence plans. 克里姆林宫如今十分渴望得到世人的敬畏。其感到可以对那些外国能源公司采取高压手段,并且言而无信,就像美国单方面退出导弹防御计划。
Others were furious at the government's strong-arm tactics over the vote. 其他人对政府在投票上采取强制手段感到非常愤怒。
Use strong-arm methods, tactics, etc. 采用强制方法、策略等。
He brought along two strong-arm men from his private guard. 他从自己私人保镖中选带了两名杀气腾腾的打手。
Detectives who grill suspects in Homicide ( TV series) do it with verbal cunning, not strong-arm bullying. 在《杀人》这出电视连续剧里,警察以巧妙的言词盘问嫌疑犯,而非动粗威胁。
There is a further danger that, as the climate crisis deepens, governments may strong-arm farmers into planting prescribed biotech seeds with traits deemed essential for adaptation. 还有更深远的一种危险,即随着气候危机的深化,各国政府可能强制农民种植规定的生物技术种子,这些种子具有适应气候变化的关键性状。
Forcible entry; a real cop would get physical; strong-arm tactics. 强行进入;真正的警察会变得爱使用暴力;武力的策略。
Women can never understand why their husbands refuse to handle them diplomatically, when it would be money in their pockets to use the velvet glove instead of the strong-arm method. 当男人们本可以通过一点点甜言蜜语或小礼物来取悦妻子,而不是争吵或实行冷暴力的时候,女人们是不会明白为什么她们的丈夫就是不愿意用这么点技巧来对待她们。
Through the ease-up of the regulation of entering and even strong-arm of division, the government can straightly make the market structure of the telecommunication industry. 政府通过放松进入规制和更为激烈的手段&强制性分拆,可以直接塑造电信业的市场结构;