Who does he think he is, strutting about the park as if he owns the place? 他不知自己算老几,在公园里架子十足地踱着步,好像这地方归他所有。
Now an average of1000 participants strutting their stuff at Edinburgh Castle are regularly watched on television by millions of people world wide. 而如今,全世界有数百万观众通过电视,定期观看由1000名表演者在爱丁堡城堡带来的精彩表演。
Strutting into an interview assuming you can just do it is like thinking, In this audition, I'm going to wing it and play Chopin, he says. 参加面试时假设它等同于你能做到的思考的水平。在这场试演中,我要临场发挥,弹上一曲肖邦。
She only learnt to walk five months ago, but 'Baby Beyonc' is already strutting her stuff on stage at pageants. 虽然她五个月之前才刚学会走路,但是这个被人们称作宝贝碧昂斯的小宝宝已经开始在各种盛会的舞台上展露风采了。
Strutting across the room with a powerful stride, Jennifer looks even better than she did back in 2000. MV中她踏着强有力的步伐,昂首阔步地穿越在房间内,看起来她比2000年的时候还要有魅力。
Luckily, there are other ways to catch an executive recruiter's eye besides standing up in front of an in-person audience and strutting your stuff. 幸运的是,除了亲自站在会议观众面前,昂首挺胸故作姿态之外,还有其他方式吸引高管猎头的注意。
Strutting solo poolside, he grinned form ear-to-ear before raising his arms and fist-pumping the sky. 接着他在泳池边大步走着,露齿而笑,然后双手握拳,将胳膊举向天空。
Chimney swallows were darting swiftly across the yard, and chickens, ducks and turkeys were waddling and strutting and straggling in from the fields. 家燕轻快地在院场上空飞来飞去,小鸡、鸭子和火鸡都纷纷从田地里回家来了。
Fashion models make it look so effortless, but strutting your stuff in4-inch heels is no easy feat. 时装模特总是看起来好像不费吹灰之力,可区区一双4英寸的高跟鞋却通常能把你折腾的死去活来。
The new president's friends have been strutting around town as if they owned the place. 新总统的朋友在城里大摇大摆,好像是在他们自己的地盘上似的。
Richard was strutting around as if he owned the place. 理查德四处大摇大摆地走着,好像这地方是他的一样。
Power projection and geopolitical strutting are best left to others. 武力投射及扩大地缘政治影响,最好留给他人去做。
The peacock became so puffed up with pride, that he began to show off his colourful feathers in a fantastic strutting dance. 孔雀听了这些恭维,变得扬扬自得,他开始用一种招摇的奇怪的舞姿来展示他华丽的羽毛。
The pro football team had just finished their daily practice when a large turkey came strutting onto the field. 足球队结束了一天的训练,这时一只火鸡来到场地上。
The beneath strutting must level off and equilibrium if lie flat, not suitable too high. 若平放,底层支撑应平整均衡,码放不宜过高。
The years after graduation hardened me into someone quite different from the strutting graduate who left campus that day headed for New York City, ready to offer the world his talent. 毕业后的几年把我磨炼成了另一个人,他身上再也没有那个当年离开校园准备去纽约向全世界贡献才智的年轻人的影子了。
Star Wars fans rejoice! The Jedi Dressing Gowns are here! What could be better on an evening than strutting around in your Jedi robe ($ 91.93). 在这儿呢,星战影迷的最爱!还有什么比穿着它昂首阔步更神气的呢!
The beneath strutting must level off and equilibrium if lie flat, not suitable too high. The attendant smoothed away the slight irregularities in the retuning track. 若平放,底层支撑应平整均衡,码放不宜过高。随从把回来路上有点凸凹不平的地方平整好。
A pompous lecturer strutting back and forth across the stage; 一个在台上趾高气扬地来回走的演讲者;
Strutting and dancing across the disco floor in his white suit, Travolta became a superstar. 片中的他身着白西装昂首阔步,在迪斯科舞池里劲舞,已然成为超级巨星。
I was strutting, I was smiling, I was bursting with energy. 我在高视阔步,在微笑,在爆发能量。
And then there is the maximalist interpretation, which wants the new EU president to be a high-profile figure, strutting the world stage. 按照最高纲领主义者的解释,这位新的欧盟主席将成为引人瞩目的角色,在全球舞台上叱咤风云。
But press savagery towards the rich and powerful also taps into an ancient British tradition, that of instinctive derision for the strutting toff or politician, amid the battle-cry: "who does he think he is?" 但这种针对富人和当权者的媒体野性也符合英国的古老传统:普通人本能地嘲讽自鸣得意的上层人物或政治家,同时还要振臂高呼:“他当他是谁?”
The Contractor shall supply, fix and maintain all planking, strutting, shoring or other supports to uphold the sides of excavations. 承包商应提供、安装并维护所有加衬、支撑物、撑柱或其他支架,支撑开挖边缘。
For the most part, March is a time for strutting your stuff, getting creative, and enjoying yourself. 就绝大部分时间而言,三月正是你大显身手和创作以及享受其中的时候。
A strutting rooster, a he-goat, and a king with his army around him. 猎狗、公山羊、和无人能敌的君王。
Finite-element analysis is performed on concrete-cored deep cement mixing ( DCM) piles of this new strutting system, and gives the displacement distribution, stress distribution, plastic area and horizontal displacement. 笔者还采用有限元方法分析了基坑支护中的混凝土芯水泥土搅拌桩的位移大小分布和方向分布、应力大小分布和方向分布、塑性区的分布和临空面的水平位移。
First research the strutting platform, include network platform and software platform; 在正文部分,本文首先研究了联网收费系统的支撑平台,包括网络平台和软件平台;
The combined action of backfilled dense sand gravel and prestressed wood piles can replace the transmission strutting force of soil. 回填密实的砂砾料和预应力小木桩的联合作用可取代原土传递支撑力。
In view of the National Gymnasium Project, this paper analyses the mechanics characteristics of the strutting system, and optimizes and proves the construction plan, and also expounds how to develop the work of the safety control. 对国家体育馆钢屋架施工过程中支撑体系的受力特点进行分析,对施工方案进行优化论证,阐述了如何开展安全监控工作。