The hive, as the place is known, has long played host to a rotating cast of free-spirited programmers and innovators, many of whom come to San Francisco to escape what they regard as the stultifying atmosphere of Silicon Valley proper. 这个地方被称为“蜂房”(Hive),长期以来都有无拘无束的编程员和创新者搬进搬去,其中有很多人来到旧金山是为了逃离硅谷那极其单调、却被人尊崇的气氛。
The environment can be stultifying, unhealthy, too political and so on. 环境的问题可能在于让人感觉徒劳无功、不健康或是太勾心斗角等等。
The announcement by the country's top censor that all censorship would stop in a country with perhaps the most stultifying media outside North Korea suggested a government keen to change its image. 缅甸最高审查机构宣布将停止所有媒体审查除朝鲜之外,缅甸媒体也许是世界上最愚蠢的这表明政府迫切希望改变其形象。
Once I was dressed in the little bit of shorts, I opened the door to the yoga studio and was met with a rush of hot, stultifying air. 一次,我穿着小短裤,打开瑜珈馆的门,迎面就吹来一股热而闷的空气。