We sensibly gave him wide berth, for he was a dangerous-looking man, chewing a toothpick with the arrogant sullenness of one who is willing to commit violence. 大家明智地给了他一个宽敞的铺位,因为他一脸凶相,带着喜欢实施暴力的人的那种傲慢的神情,还嚼着牙签。
It is they who rebuke most impressively the sullenness, the ingratitude, the discontent with which many good gifts of God are received. 正是他们才能谴责如下行径:拜上帝所赐承受恩惠却仍然郁郁寡欢、忘恩负义和不满足。
His bluster sank to sullenness under her look. With the first rays of light of the early morning the wooden fencing which lines the route is closed off. 在她目光逼视下,他蛮横的表情稍加收敛,显出一副阴沉的样子。那横行在路线旁的木制藩篱,闪耀着早晨的第一道曙光,已收了起来。
Victoria tolerated her husband's sullenness. 维多利亚容忍了她丈夫的愠怒不语。
After returning to home, he sank into sullenness for three days, willing to go nowhere. 庄子回家后,闷闷不乐地呆了三天,那儿也不想去。庄周反入,三日不庭。