
英 [ˌs(j)uːpəkəmˈpjuːtɪŋ] 美 [supərkəmˈpjutɪŋ]

网络  超级计算; 超级运算; 超级计算机; 高速计算; 超级电脑





  1. The demand for computational power in this field is so great that supercomputing resources are often leased for this work.
  2. The trend to use PC clusters to achieve supercomputing speed with an affordable budget has accelerated with the rising use of GNU/ Linux.
  3. In reality, most supercomputing systems are multiple interlinked computers that perform parallel processing following one of the two general parallel processing approaches
  4. Clustering represents the lower end of supercomputing, a more build-it-yourself approach.
  5. But first, some background on the supercomputing cluster.
  6. Breakthroughs have been made in major research projects such as supercomputing, the lunar exploration program, and satellite applications, and a regional jet developed and produced in China has been successfully put into service.
  7. The giant machine, now housed in Changsha, will be installed in the National Supercomputing Center in north China's port city Tianjin at the end of this year.
  8. National Center for Supercomputing Applications
  9. Oil and gas companies were early innovators in supercomputing and data visualization and analysis, which are crucial to today's oil and gas exploration efforts.
  10. Once completed, the NSCC in Changsha will add to the world's eight quadrillion-level supercomputing centers and national labs.
  11. The new system, known as Tianhe-1A, was developed by the National University of Defense Technology and unveiled at a supercomputing conference in Beijing on Thursday.
  12. Analysts note some success in incremental innovations in areas such as clean energy, space technology, gene sequencing and supercomputing.
  13. However, experts at HPC China, a supercomputing conference in Beijing, said on Thursday that intellectual property rights in the new Chinese system were developed and held domestically.
  14. With rise of supercomputing and high-end platforms in public clouds, the day will come when you can't get them any other way.
  15. This is bringing industrial scale to number-crunching – and is making it possible to unleash supercomputing power on everyday tasks: analysing a city's traffic patterns, for example, to predict where jams will crop up.
  16. SGI is also involved with supercomputing, storage and visualisation equipment, and allows all design and engineering personnel to share access to the development database 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  17. The grid node of supercomputing is a main component.
  18. Supercomputing power enables PARAMICS to study large-scale traffic patterns at high speeds.
  19. This is not unlike how I had to consume supercomputing services back when I was in college.
  20. In the previous year's ranking, the Chinese had the fifth fastest computer, a system that was based at a National Supercomputing Center in Tianjin, China.
  21. Hunan province began building the country's third National Supercomputing Center ( NSCC) on Sunday.
  22. 2010-11-29 Central China's Hunan Province began building the country's third National Supercomputing Center ( NSCC), where the world's fastest supercomputer, the Tianhe-1A, will be installed.
  23. The latest machine is "another step on the never-ending journey to apply more computer power to the problems at hand," said Dave Turek, IBM's vice-president for supercomputing.
  24. This works can help the climatic researchers to develop applications on the grid platforms, which present a framework of next generation supercomputing.
  25. This paper introduces the basic concepts of the workstations cluster for distributed supercomputing. Some research issues, Such as active message communication, global UNIX, and MPI, are discussed in detail.
  26. Future supercomputing demands that large scale parallel algorithms and applications have good scalability.
  27. This report presents a brief history of supercomputing and discusses the merits of vector architectures over scalar.
  28. Parallel and distributed processing for computer graphics have be-come the foundation of scientific visualization in the supercomputing enviroment.
  29. Energy management not only is the research hotspot of battery-driven devices, but also becomes the critical issue for data centers and supercomputing centers due to their high operating cost, low reliability and environmental effects.
  30. Cloud Computing, a data-centric and data-intensive supercomputing, has its own unique technology on data storage, data management, programming model, concurrency control, and system management.