So now youre just going to run around asking advice from everyone and be a modern day Svengali, controlling their minds? 那么现在你准备开始导出跑来跑去向每个人寻求建议,然后成为一个当代版斯文加利(著名的催眠师),去控制他们的大脑了么?
I sent your money to that goddamn svengali. 我把钱寄给那个心理医生。
'I'm amazed,'says Takonkiet Viravan, the44-year-old Thai soap opera svengali who produced'Battle of the Angels'and other shows now making it big on the small screen in China. 泰国44岁的肥皂剧大腕TakonkietViravan制作的《天使之争》和其他节目已经成为中国小荧屏上的大热门。他说,我很吃惊。
Might have been the other way around: Stalin acting as a Svengali on Lenin. 可能会朝相反方向前进:斯大林对列宁表现的像一个斯文加利式人物。
Even if he jettisons Mr Ozawa, the chances are that he will rely on the man's Svengali like influence from behind the scenes. 尽管他抛弃了小泽先生,他还是可以在幕后依靠人们斯文加利式(用过催眠让人们唯命是从)的影响来获得复兴的机会。
By this sleazy svengali, decided to end the relationship. 决定结束这段畸形的关系。